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인명 구조견

영국 군인 앨런 파톤은 1991년 걸프전에 참전했다 머리를 다치고 다리를 잃었다. 그가 다시 삶의 의지를 찾은 건 안내견 ‘엔달(래브라도 리트리버 종)’을 만나면서였다. 2001년 파톤은 또 한번 위기를 맞았다. 휠체어를 타고 거리로 나섰다 후진하던 차에 치인 것이다. 차는 달아났고 그는 길 한복판에 나뒹굴었다. 이때 엔달은 쓰러진 주인을 끌어다 안전한 위치로 옮기고 담요로 덮어 주었다. 그런 다음 휴대전화를 물어다 주인 옆에 두고, 인근 호텔로 달려가 사람들이 나올 때까지 짖었다. 파톤이 구조된 얘기는 TV 다큐멘터리로 만들어졌고 엔달은 일약 영웅이 되었다.

내가 한 영작
ⓐRescue dogs
ⓑAllen Parton, a British soldier, who participated in the Gulf War in 1991, was wounded on his head and lost his legs in the war. ⓒHe restored the will to live only after he met a guide dog named Endal. In 2001, Parton met another crisis on his life. While he wheeled down the street, he was hit by a reversing car. The car ran away and he was thrown down on the street. Then, Endal quickly moved Parton to the safe place, covered him with a blanket and pulled his mobile phone close to him. After that, he ran to a nearby hotel and barked until people came out to help. The story of Parton’s rescue became the subject of TV documentaries, and Endal became a hero.

Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
ⓐProtecting valuable canine companions
ⓑAllen Parton, a British soldier who sustained serious head injuries and lost the use of both his legs while serving in the Gulf War in 1991, ⓒregained the will to live only after meeting a service dog named Endal. Parton faced another crisis in 2001 when he was hit by a car and thrown out of his wheelchair. Endal moved Parton, who was unconscious, to a safe place, retrieved his mobile phone, placing it beside him and then ran to a nearby hotel and barked until people came out to help. The story of Parton’s rescue became the subject of television documentaries, and Endal became a hero.

Writing Tip
ⓐ Rescue dogs → Protecting valuable canine companions 글의 취지를 살리는 구체적인 제목으로
ⓑ Allen Parton, a British soldier, who participated in the Gulf War in 1991, was wounded on his head and lost his legs in the war. → Allen Parton, a British soldier who sustained serious head injuries and lost the use of both his legs while serving in the Gulf War in 1991, 전쟁에 participate(참가)한다고 표현하지는 않음, 복무의 개념으로 serve가 적절, 다리는 단 두개이므로 both his legs로 표현
ⓒ He restored the will to live only after he met a guide dog named Endal. → regained the will to live only after meeting a service dog named Endal. 의지를 회복하는 경우는 regain을 씀, after 절을 간결하게 구로 바꿈

온갖 훈련을 받았다 해도 공인 구조견으로 발탁되는 건 10마리 중 2~3마리 정도다. 한 마리 양성에 드는 비용은 2억원 안팎이라고 한다. 구조견은 보통 열 살이 되면 은퇴해 일반 가정에 분양된다. 군·경찰·관세청에서 활용하는 특수견은 국가가 예산으로 육성하지만 119구조대의 구조견은 지금껏 한 민간기업에 의지해 왔다. 98년부터 36마리를 공급한 삼성생명 구조견센터다. 그런데 이 회사도 올해부터는 맹인을 위한 인도견(人導犬)만 기른다고 한다. 국민의 생명을 구하는 구조견 육성사업을 정부가 지금껏 방치해 온 것은 이해하기 힘들다.

내가 한 영작
They say it costs around 200 million won to train ⓐa rescue dog. When they become 10-years-old, rescue dogs retire from active duty and are parceled out to the homes of ordinary people. Dogs for the military, police and the customs office are trained at the expense of the government, but ⓑthe rescue dogs for ⓒ119 rescue team have been trained at the expense of a private company. It is the Rescue Dog Center run by Samsung Life Insurance that has supplied 36 rescue dogs to the team since 1998. But the company will train only guide dogs for the blind, no rescue dogs, from this year. It is, in fact, strange that the government has shunned the duty to train rescue dogs that have saved the lives of the people so far.

Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
They say it costs around 200 million won to train ⓐa single dog. Dogs for the military, police and customs office are trained at the expense of the government, but ⓑrescue dogs for ⓒthe 119 emergency response team are trained by a private company - Rescue Dog Center run by Samsung Life Insurance. The company has supplied 36 rescue dogs to the 119 rescue team since 1998. But beginning this year, the company plans to train only service dogs for the blind. It is strange that the government is neglecting to train rescue dogs that have saved so many lives.

Writing Tip
ⓐ a rescue dog → a single dog 한 마리를 강조하기 위해 single 첨가, 앞에 구조견이 언급 됐으므로 rescue 생략
ⓑ the rescue dogs → rescue dogs 수식 받는다고 반드시 the를 쓰는 것은 아님, 명확하게 한계가 설정되는 경우에만 the를 씀
ⓒ 119 rescue team → the 119 emergency response team 119 구조대는 누구나 아는 기관이므로 the를 앞에 씀, 그 기능이 구조에만 있지 않으므로 영어권 독자가 알 수 있게 취지에 맞는 영어 이름 사용
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