Year-long retro for Ingmar Bergman

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Year-long retro for Ingmar Bergman


Ingmar Bergman remains one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. [JoongAng Ilbo]

For countless film directors, Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) remains one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. From Woody Allen and Francis Ford Coppola to Pedro Almodovar and Ang Lee, the Swedish filmmaker changed the face of film.

Polish flimmaker Krzysztof Kieslowski once said of Bergman: “This man is one of the few film directors - perhaps the only one in the world - to have said as much about human nature as Dostoevsky or Camus.”

Now, he is the subject of a year-long retrospective that will delve into his influence on film, art, the humanities and beyond.

“Searching for Bergman: Scandinavia Cinema Tour” is currently going on at Arthouse MoMo on the campus of Ewha Womans’ University in central Seoul.

Jan Holmberg, a representative of the Ingmar Bergman Foundation, called the Swedish film director a national treasure of Sweden, on a visit to Seoul earlier this month to promote the events.

The retrospective is part of a larger project co-sponsored by the Embassy of Sweden in Korea and the Korean Film Art Center (BaekDuDaeGan).

“The project will offer a new paradigm for accepting and understanding art house films,” Lee Gwang-mo, chief executive officer of Korean Film Art Center, said. “Starting with Bergman, we will deal with many directors including Wim Wenders.”

The first part of the retrospective is an exhibition of the multimedia installation “Ingmar Bergman: The Man Who Asked Hard Questions.” The installation consists of several screens showing video clips from Bergman’s films to provide insight into the director’s career. The title of the exhibition was derived from an article by Woody Allen commemorating Bergman in The New York Times.

The exhibition is part of a world tour that has already been presented in Los Angeles, Prague, Hong Kong, Beijing, Sao Pauolo, Brazil and Mexico City. In Seoul, it will be shown until July 10 and admission is free.

The second part of the retrospective is a lecture series featuring talks by experts in theology, philosophy, psychology, theater and seven other areas (excluding film) who will offer their interpretations of Bergman and his films. The lecture series starts on July 24 and continues through Aug. 4

The next event is “Famous Contemporary Directors: Under Bergman’s Roof,” during which nine films by directors who were heavily influenced by Bergman will be screened. The program includes Pedro Almodovar’s “Broken Embraces,” Woody Allen’s “Match Point,” Lars von Trier’s “Breaking the Waves” and Ang Lee’s “Brokeback Mountain.” The film series runs from Aug. 11 to 17.

The highlight of the retrospective will be the screenings of nine of Bergman’s major films. The program, which runs from November 2011 to June 2012, includes: “Summer with Monika,” “The Seventh Seal,” “Wild Strawberries,” “The Virgin Spring,” “Through a Glass Darkly,” “Persona,” “Cries and Whispers,” “Autumn Sonata” and “Fanny and Alexander”.

By Ki Sun-min [[email protected]]

한글 관련 기사 [중앙일보]
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  첫 순서는 7월 10일까지 열리는 멀티미디어 설치전 ‘잉마르 베리만: 심오한 질문을 멈추지 않았던 위대한 인간’이다. 전시 제목은 베리만을 생전 흠모했던 미국 감독 우디 앨런이 뉴욕타임스에 쓴 추모글 제목에서 따왔다. 2008년부터 LA·프라하·홍콩·베이징·상파울루·멕시코시티를 돌고 서울로 온 순회전이다. 베리만의 작품세계를 32개 주제별로 만든 영상물을 중심으로 만들어진 설치작품이다. 관람료 무료.

  24일부터 8월 4일까지 영화학교도 열린다. 베리만의 영화는 인문학에 큰 영향을 미친 걸로 유명하다. 신학·철학·정신분석학·연극 등 영화가 아닌 다른 7개 분야 전문가들이 베리만을 해석한다. 8월 11∼17일 열리는 ‘현대 영화의 거장들: 베리만의 자장(磁場) 아래서’도 빼놓을 수 없다. 페드로 알모도바르의 ‘브로큰 임브레이시스’를 비롯해 우디 앨런의 ‘매치 포인트’, 라스 폰 트리에의 ‘브레이킹 더 웨이브’ 등 베리만의 영향을 받았던 감독들의 작품이 상영된다.

  백미는 11월부터 내년 6월까지 차례로 개봉되는 베리만의 대표작 9편이다. ‘모니카와의 여름’ ‘거울을 통해 어렴풋이’ ‘페르소나’ ‘외침과 속삭임’ ‘가을소나타’ 등이다. 특정 감독의 작품세계를 1년 동안 조명하는 건 유례가 없는 일이다. 주한 스웨덴대사관 등과 이 프로젝트를 공동주최한 백두대간 이광모 대표는 “예술영화 수용의 새로운 패러다임을 제시하고 싶었다”고 말했다.
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