Going down under and around Seoul
Published: 22 Jun. 2011, 20:11
With this year marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Australia, the two countries are holding exhibitions to introduce their respective artists to each other.
“Tell Me Tell Me: Australian and Korean Art 1976- 2011” - a joint collaboration between Korea’s National Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in Sydney - launched last weekend and runs until Aug. 24 in Darlinghurst, an eastern suburb of Sydney.
The exhibition showcases artworks from both museums’ collections, highlighting the historical and ongoing connections between Australian and Korean art.
“It is inspired by Nam June Paik’s 1976 visit to Sydney and the 1976 Biennale of Sydney, that included a group of important Korean artists,” the MCA said in a statement.
“Tell Me Tell Me explores conceptual, fluxus and technological art being created in both Korea and Australia at that time and regional variations in both countries over three decades to the present day,” the statement added.
Works by video art pioneers Paik (1932-2006) and Park Hyun-ki (1942-2000) are on display at the show. Among other Korean artists participating in the exhibition are conceptual artist Haegue Yang, who is now holding a solo show at Modern Art Oxford in England, and minimalist painter and sculptor Lee Ufan, whose solo show at New York’s Guggenheim Museum starts Friday.
As for Australian artists, works of sculptor Rosalie Gascoigne (1917-1999), who became the first female artist to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale in 1982, are being exhibited. Installation artist Ken Unsworth and conceptual artist Brook Andrew are also among the participating artists.
The show will later travel to the Korean museum, located in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi, where it will be exhibited from Nov. 8 to Feb. 19.
Meanwhile in Seoul, “Korea-Australia Exchange Exhibition: Australia Digital Urban Portraits” runs until Sunday at the Seoul Museum of Art near Deoksu Palace in central Seoul.
The exhibition focuses on current and future urban images and people from Australia. It consists of two parts: “FACE TO FACE: Portraiture in the Digital Age” and “NOW and WHEN: Australian Urbanism.”
“NOW and WHEN” shows present and future cities through a piece of video work that was once presented at the Australia Exhibition Hall during the 12th International Architecture Exhibition, the architecture section of the Venice Biennale, in 2010.
A collaboration between the Australian Architectural Association and creative director and photographer John Gollings, the 15-minute video consists of “Now” (6 minutes running time) and “When” (9 minutes running time).
Other exhibitions of Australian contemporary art are also scheduled.
The Museum of Photography Seoul in Bangi-dong, eastern Seoul, will hold an exhibition of Australian photographers in August and September.
And this year’s Korea International Art Fair, or KIAF, will have Australia as the guest country. The nation’s biggest art fair is scheduled from Sept. 22 to 26 at COEX in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul.
*“Korea-Australia Exchange Exhibition: Australia Digital Urban Portraits” runs until Sunday. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesdays to Fridays and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends. The museum is closed Mondays. Admission is free. Go to City Hall Station, lines No. 1 and 2, exit 1. For details, call (02) 2124-8936 or visit http://seoulmoa.seoul.go.kr.
By Moon So-young [symoon@joongang.co.kr]
한글 관련 기사 [아주경제]
한·호 수교 50주년 교류展 `텔미텔미` 17일 호주서 개막
한국과 호주의 현대미술을 살피는 ‘텔미텔미 한국 호주 현대미술 1976-2011’전이 호주 시드니에서 17일 개막한다.
국립현대미술관은 한국과 호주의 수교 50주년을 기념, 시드니현대미술관과 공동 기획했다고 14일 밝혔다.
시드니 비엔날레에 한국 작가들이 참여했고 백남준이 시드니를 방문했던 1976년을 기점으로 잡아 최근까지 양국의 현대미술을 보여준다. 당시 백남준은 샬롯 무어맨과 함께 시드니와 애들레이드를 찾아 40차례의 퍼포먼스를 벌였다.
같은 해 열린 제2회 시드니 비엔날레에는 이우환과 심문섭, 이강소 등의 작품이 전시됐다.
한국 참여작가인 이수경, 김범, 양혜규, 정서영, 김홍주, 김을, 박병춘 등은 이번전시를 통해 최초로 호주현지에서 소개된다. 시드니현대미술관이 현재 확장 공사 중인 관계로 전시는 호주 국립미술대학 갤러리에서 열린다.
국립현대미술관측은 "1970년대 이후 현재까지 양국 현대미술의 일단을 읽을 수 있는 보기 드문 전시회"라고 소개했다.호주에서 8월 24일까지 전시한 뒤 11월 8일부터는 국립현대미술관 과천본관에서 전시가 계속된다.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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