Rampaging marine may not have acted alone

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Rampaging marine may not have acted alone


A joint funeral for the four victims of the rampage was held yesterday morning by the Marine Corps, at which they all received posthumous honors. [YONHAP]

The 19-year old marine who went on a shooting rampage that killed four fellow soldiers and wounded one may have been aided by another marine.

According to the Ministry of Defense, military investigators in charge of the case arrested another recruit, Jeong Jun-hyeok, 19, after they found inconsistencies in his statements and statements by the shooter, who is surnamed Kim, from his hospital bed in Seongnam.

“We arrested a recruit surnamed Jeong at 1 a.m. and he was immediately sent to the military police,” said an official from the investigative team yesterday. The two had conspired to “cause a scene and desert,” according to the official.

Jeong has denied taking part in the attack, according to an official from the investigative team.

Corporal Kim went on a rampage midday Monday at a marine base on Ganghwa Island with a K-2 rifle, 75 live rounds and a hand grenade because his subordinates bullied him and failed to show him respect.

Because Korean men can do their 21-month compulsory military service between the ages of 19 to 35, younger men often outrank older soldiers.

Jeong had initially said that he talked to Kim in the barracks shortly before the rampage and Kim had said he intended to kill a soldier named Kwon Seung-hyeok, whom he blamed for organizing the bullying. Jeong said he told Kim not to do it.

He also said he saw no weapon or ammunition on Kim.

But from his hospital bed, where he is being treated for wounds sustained when he tried to blow himself up with the hand grenade, Kim told investigators that Jeong helped him get the ammunition from a locker in the base’s situation room. Jeong denies the accusation, investigators said.

An official from the investigative team yesterday said Jeong had been close to Kim at the post because he too felt like an outsider, although investigators had yet to figure out why.

He said that Jeong and Kim both admitted they had talked about ideas to escape the base and do something “to end the physical violence” there.

The official said the military did believe Jeong’s initial testimony that he had smelled alcohol on Kim’s breath. Whether Kim had actually been bullied by other marines has not been confirmed by the military. The official said its investigation was going slowly because of Kim’s poor medical condition.

“He can make simple conversation and small sounds with difficulty,” said the official. “Kim still has to go through surgery and because he has to be stabilized, the investigation can’t be hurried.”

As for the four victims of the rampage, a joint funeral was held yesterday morning by the Marine Corps, during which they all received posthumous honors. Marines commander Lieutenant General Yoo Nak-jun offered condolences to their families.

“We will make sure our marines do not hurt each other,” he said in a eulogy. After the funeral in Seongnam, Gyeonggi, the bodies were taken to Incheon to be cremated. Their ashes were taken to the Daejeon National Cemetery around 4:30 p.m. The families of the four dead marines had initially refused to attend the joint funeral in protest of accusations that the four marines had been bullies.

By Christine Kim [christine.kim@joongang.co.kr]

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