Newly found Leonardo art to be shown
Published: 13 Jul. 2011, 19:55
“Salvator Mundi,’’ which dates to around 1500, depicts a half-length figure of Christ with one hand raised in blessing and the other holding an orb.
The National Gallery said in a statement Monday that the work was shown to staff and other scholars after conservation was completed in 2010.
“We felt that it would be of great interest to include it in the exhibition as a new discovery,’’ the museum said, adding that its curator, Luke Syson, “is cataloging the picture as by Leonardo da Vinci and this is how the picture will be presented in the exhibition.’’
The painting will be included in an exhibition titled: “Leonardo da Vinci: Painter of the Court of Milan,’’ from Nov. 9 to Feb. 5, 2012.
“Once you walked into the room it had that uncanny presence that Leonardo’s have,’’ said Martin Kemp, professor emeritus of art history at Oxford, who was among the experts consulted.
Detailed examination of the work as well as scientific testing convinced him that he was looking at the real thing. For example, some of the brushwork in the best preserved sections made it clear that the master had been holding the brush.
“None of the students painted like that, none of the followers,’’ Kemp said.
Kemp said he was glad the painting was going on display at the National Gallery. “It’s a new Leonardo painting, it’s sensational,’’ he said. “I’m glad London is seeing it publicly first.’’
The work is owned by a consortium represented by Robert Simon, an art historian and private art dealer in New York, according Simon’s spokeswoman.
“Salvator Mundi,’’ which means Savior of the World, was believed to have been lost. It was first recorded in the art collection of King Charles I of England in 1649. In 1763, it was auctioned by the son of the Duke of Buckingham.
It next appeared in 1900, damaged from excessive paint overlay and its authorship unclear, when it was purchased by a British collector, Sir Frederick Cook, according to a release from Simon. Cook’s descendants sold it at auction in 1958 for 45 pounds. In 2005, it was acquired by an American estate.
한글 관련 기사 [중앙USA]
8만원에 팔린 그림이 다빈치 작품
불과 수십년 전 45파운드(8만원)에 경매된 그림 한점(사진)이 2억달러 상당의 레오나르도 다빈치 유화 작품으로 판명돼 일반에 전시된다.
"살바토르 문디"(구세주)라는 이름의 이 작품은 오른손을 들어 축복을 내리고 왼손으로는 보주를 잡고있는 예수의 상반신을 담고있다.
영국 런던 내셔널 갤러리는 11월9일부터 시작되는 다빈치 기획 전시에 이 그림이 나온다고 11일 밝혔다.
다빈치가 1500년 경에 제작한 이 그림은 다빈치의 진품으로 최근 감정 받았다. 이 그림은 당초 사라진 것으로 추정돼왔으나 1649년 영국왕 찰스1세의 소장 목록에 처음 나타났으며 이후 1763년 버킹엄공작의 아들이 경매로 넘긴 기록이 있다.
이 그림은 이후 심한 덧칠로 손상된 상태로 누구의 작품인지도 확인되지 않은 채 1900년 영국의 그림 수집가인 프레드릭 쿡 경이 사들인 것으로 알려졌다.
이후 쿡의 후손들은 이 그림을 1958년 경매에서 불과 45파운드에 팔았으며 2005년 미국 뉴욕주 턱시도 파크의 미술품 거래상인 로버트 사이먼이 대표하는 컨소시엄의 손에 넘어갔다.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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