공짜 점심
Published: 18 Jul. 2011, 16:47
내가 한 영작
ⓐ The idea of a free lunch as bait first appeared in the late 19th century ⓑ in New Orleans. Saloons there would serve ⓒ a free meal with the purchase of at least one drink. Although ⓓ it was not the finest fare, the food was worth more than the price of a ⓔsingle drink. The saloons ⓕ believed that customers who came into the establishment for free food would buy more than one drink, but thought that even if that didn’t work the customer would become a regular patron.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
ⓐ Free lunch first appeared in the late 19th century in the southern part of the United States. ⓑ In New Orleans, saloons served ⓒ free meals with the purchase of at least one drink. Although ⓓ the free lunch was not the finest fare, the food was worth more than the price of ⓔ a ø drink. The saloons ⓕ calculated that the customers who came into the establishment for free food would buy more than one drink. Even if they don’t, it would make them regular patrons. In the end, the free lunch offer is a sort of bait to attract customers. The saying “there ain't no such thing as a free lunch” means that the offer may seem free but you would have to pay for it some other way.
Writing Tip
ⓐ The idea of → ø 공짜점심이란 표현을 바로 쓰면 됨
ⓑ in New Orleans. → In New Orleans, 영어에서는 뒤에 오는 말에 무게가 실림, 공짜 점심이 처음 등장한 것을 이야기 하는 문장이므로 시점을 나타내는 in the late 19th century로 문장을 마무리하고 다음 문장에서 공짜 점심을 제공하는 saloons의 배경이 New Orleans임을 나타냄
ⓒ a free meal → free meals 문맥상 여러 끼니의 식사이므로 복수로 표현
ⓓ it → the free lunch 주절의 주어 the food와 다르고, 앞 문장에서 무엇을 지칭하는지 분명치 않으므로 the free lunch로 표현하는 것이 적절
ⓔ single → ø single은 ‘딱 한잔’이라는 의미를 강조하는데 음식은 대개 음료수 한잔 보다 비싸므로 강조가 어색함
ⓕ believed → calculated 계산에서였다는 의미의 표현으로 calculated가 올바름, believe는 특정 견해나 사상 등 추상적인 것을 신뢰하는 데 쓰임.
전면 무상 급식을 둘러싼 정치 공방이 점입가경이다. 이를 두고 머잖아 서울시 주민투표까지 실시될 기세다. 승패의 열쇠는 결국 시민들이 포퓰리즘에 영합한 공짜 점심으로 볼지, 아니면 건강한 무상 급식으로 여길지에 달렸다.
내가 한 영작
The political ⓐ debate over ⓑ ø school lunches ⓒ in Seoul ⓓ grew overly heated, but soon there will be a referendum on the issue. The outcome will depend on whether citizens regard the plan as a “free lunch” driven by populism or a “school meal at no cost” based ⓔ on health and welfare.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
The political ⓐ debates over the ⓑ free school meals for all students ⓓ became overly heated. Soon, a referendum on the issue is about to be held ⓒ in the city of Seoul. The result depends on whether the people would look at the plan as “free lunch” driven by populism or “school meal at no cost” ⓔ with health in mind.
Writing Tip
ⓐ debate → debates 여러 차례의 논쟁이므로 복수 취급
ⓑ ø → free 무상이란 표현 필요
ⓒ in Seoul → in the city of Seoul 서울에서의 무상급식만 논란의 대상이라기 보다는 무상급식 자체가 논란인 것임, 국민투표가 실시되는 것이 서울이라는 것을 명시할 필요가 있음
ⓓ grew → became 정치공방이 점차적으로 가열된 것이 아니므로 became이 적합함
ⓔ on health and welfare.→ with health in mind 문맥상 건강을 염두에 둔 것으로 표현하는 것이 적합함.
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