Hahoe musical puts drama on the cliffs
Published: 31 Jul. 2011, 20:19
Surrounded by shaggy mountains and facing a slow winding river, historic Hahoe Village in Andong, North Gyeongsang, is known for its pastoral setting and lively productions of the Hahoe mask dance drama.
For the next few days, it will also be the setting of a musical based on stories that have been passed on within the village for generations.
“Buyongjiae” (“Lotus Serenade”) opened on Saturday in celebration of the first anniversary of the village’s designation as a Unesco World Heritage site and continues through Wednesday in the village’s Buyongdae Valley. It is a revival of the production presented when the village won its Unesco designation last year. That production drew more than 700,000 visitors during its five-day run, including around 8,000 foreigners.
Hahoe is one of the few hanok villages in the nation whose traditional Korean houses are still inhabited. Founded between the 14th and 15th centuries, the village was designated a Unesco World Heritage site last year for preserving the lifestyle of traditional Korean clan families.
The musical is based on the life of Ryu Seong-ryong (1542-1607), a Joseon Dynasty prime minister who was a hero during the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598). It also touches on the origins of the legendary hahoetal (Hahoe masks) and describes how the villagers made the masks to protect themselves from evil spirits they believed were living there.
The original Hahoe masks were estimated to have been introduced between the 12th and 14th centuries and are designated as National Treasure No. 121. Some are housed within the village’s museum and others are in the National Museum of Korea.
This year’s production will be a more focused one than last year’s and will highlight the origins of the Hahoe masks, according to director Kang Byung-gyu, who spoke about the production during a press conference on July 17 at the Korea Tourism Organization in Jongno District, central Seoul.
“Last year, there were too many elements within the performance and it was distracting to the audience,” Kang said. “This year, we will focus on presenting a strong story line so everyone can understand the origins of the Hahoe masks.”
Set in the picturesque Buyongdae Valley, the action takes place on a dramatic 70-meter (300-feet) cliff overlooking the Nakdong River and on a floating stage in the middle of the river.
The production also contains modern elements - a light show over the cliff, a laser show that creates a reflection over the river and fireworks at the end of the production, according to the director.
“We want the musical to reflect the village’s [hundreds of years of] history, which can be seen in all of its traditional homes,” Kang said.
*“Buyongjiae” runs through Aug. 3 in Hahoe Village in Andong, North Gyeongsang. Performances start at 8 p.m. to coincide with the sunset. Admission is free. Call (054) 851-7182 or go to www.worldcf.co.kr.
By Lee Sun-min [summerlee@joongang.co.kr]
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뮤지컬은 하회마을의 전설과 천혜의 자연을 활용한 것이 특징이다. 허도령과 김씨의 애절과 사랑, 서애 류성룡과 그의 형인 겸암 류운용의 위엄을 만날 수 있다. 대본과 음악은 정통 사극이 아닌 현대적·감각적으로 표현된다. 무대는 70m 높이의 웅장한 부용대와 조화를 이루며 시선을 압도한다. 문의 054-851-7182. www.worldcf.co.kr
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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