Star singer embarks on Africa charity

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Star singer embarks on Africa charity


Singer Lee Seung-chul, left, holds Kadiza Abakar in his arms while taking a stroll at a park in Ichon-dong, Seoul, on Saturday. Provided by Good Neighbors

Kadiza Abakar, a seven-year-old girl from the Central African country of Chad, stood on the stage of an open-air theater at Chaum, a VIP branch of Cha Medical Center, on Friday and gave a rendition of “That Person,” a Korean song by Lee Seung-chul, 44, who was standing back stage, overcome with emotion.

Abakar was Lee’s guest at a small charity concert he organized to express gratitude to the hospital staff, inviting 120 clients of Chaum.

At the end of the concert, Lee announced his next philanthropic initiative: to build one school per year in Africa for the next 10 years together with Good Neighbors, a relief organization.

“The project is called ‘Ending Poverty,’ and about 6 billion won [$5 million] is estimated to be needed for it,” Lee said. “I am planning to pay for half of it and will make up the other half with donations.”

“Ending Poverty” will not only construct a new school at 10 different locations in Africa but also build a health center next to each school.

The cost of building one school and the accompanying health center, Lee said, is about 600 million to 700 million won.

Lee has already donated 200 million won to Good Neighbors to start construction in Abakar’s hometown.

Lee’s project was inspired by the very girl who had just stood on stage. The famed singer first met the girl in March on a volunteer trip to Chad.

The girl was about to go blind from a small growth on her eye that went untreated, and Lee was able to bring Abakar to Korea for a free operation at Cha Medical Center.

Although Abakar didn’t get her sight back completely, she can now sense light.

The concert also ended up raising money for the charity, with audience members making donations when Lee announced his project.

Lee has been sponsoring children with heart disease for 10 years but was unwilling to let his efforts go public.

However, when he met Abakar, he said he changed his mind. Abakar was in danger of completely losing her sight just because her mother, who was uneducated, failed to treat Abakar’s minor eye problem.

“That’s when I realized, in order to root out poverty, people need to be educated. For the people to be educated, there should be schools. And to build schools in places that don’t have one right now, I can’t do it alone,” said Lee.

“If more and more people join in on this good deed that I’m leading, I can expand the number of schools,” he said.

By Song Ji-hye []

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 이 모든 일의 시작엔 카디자가 있었다. 이씨는 지난 3월 봉사활동차 찾아간 차드에서 실명 위기의 카디자를 만났고 지난달 그를 한국으로 데려왔다. 이씨와 친분이 있던 차병원이 무료로 수술을 해줬다. <본지 8월 18일자 31면> 수술 후 아이는 시력을 완전히 되찾진 못했으나 빛을 감지할 가능성이 있음이 확인됐다. 이에 대한 감사의 표시로 이씨가 차움 회원 120명을 초청해 연 것이 이날의 미니 콘서트였다. 공연 수익금의 일부를 카디자를 위해 쓴다는 말에 회원들은 흔쾌히 티켓 값도 냈다.

 이씨는 10여 년 전부터 심장병 어린이들의 수술을 후원해왔지만, 선행이 외부에 알려지는 걸 꺼렸다. 그런데 카디자를 만난 뒤로 모든 것이 바뀌었다. 배움이 부족했던 카디자의 엄마는 아이의 눈에 난 작은 티눈을 치료해주지 못했고, 그로 인해 아이가 실명 위기에 이르렀기 때문이다.

 “그때 깨달았어요. 빈곤의 사슬을 끊으려면 무지부터 타파해야 하며 그러려면 많은 학교를 지어야 한다는 걸 말이죠. 그리고 그건 나 혼자의 힘으론 한계가 있다는 것도요.”

 이씨는 “내가 앞장 서서 나눔에 동참하는 사람들이 많아진다면 적극 나설 계획”이라고 했다. 한 달 보름 동안 한국에서 이씨 부부의 각별한 보살핌을 받은 카디자 모녀는 26일 차드로 돌아간다.

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