Jolie speaks out at U.N. event, honors aid group

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Jolie speaks out at U.N. event, honors aid group


GENEVA - Angelina Jolie made a surprise appearance on Monday night at the U.N. refugee agency’s ceremony to honor a Yemeni aid group credited with rescuing thousands of desperate Somali and other African refugees who arrive in southern Yemen each year.

The Society for Humanitarian Solidarity and its founder, Nasser Salim Ali Al-Hamairy, were awarded the annual Nansen prize for their “dedicated service to providing life-saving assistance to thousands of refugees and migrants who arrive on the shores of Yemen every year.”

Jolie, marking her 10th year as UNHCR goodwill ambassador during which she has made more than 40 visits to hotspots, appealed for help for people fleeing war-torn Somalia who cross the Gulf of Aden in overcrowded smugglers’ boats.

“We must not forget what is happening in this part of the world.” Jolie, appearing on stage, told the Geneva crowd. “We must not forget how desperate they are when the only alternative is to risk death at sea and put their lives in the hands of ruthless smugglers.”

“The staff of the Society for Humanitarian Solidarity often risk their own lives, pulling people from the seas,” she continued. “Sadly and all too often they also bury the dead. But there is no doubt there would be far fewer survivors if it were not for the Society for Humanitarian Solidarity and the team’s devotion to humanity.”


한글 관련 기사 [뉴시스]

안렐리나 졸리, 아프간 난민 특사 맡을 듯

할리우드 여배우 안젤리나 졸리가 난민 위기와 관련해 새로운 역할을 맡을 것이라고 유엔난민기구(UNHCR)가 4일 밝혔다.

UNHCR 소식통은 "졸리가 맡는 새로운 역할은 아프가니스탄 난민 특별대표"라고 로이터에 밝혔다.

UNHCR 친선대사를 10년 동안 맡고 있는 졸리는 이날 제네바에서 기자들과 만나 "앞으로 수주 내에 새로운 역할에 대해 논의할 것"이라며 "먼저 적절한 연구조사가 필요하다"고 말했다.

안토니오 구테레스 UNHCR 대표는 "졸리는 강력한 국제적 지원을 이끌어내기 위해 `극적 상황`의 특사가 될 것"이라고 말했다.

UNHCR 소식통은 "졸리의 새로운 역할은 수일 내로 발표될 것"이라며 "그녀는 아프가니스탄과 파키스탄, 이란 등과 아프가니스탄 난민에 대한 협력을 구하게 될 것"이라고 말했다.

UNHCR에 따르면 파키스탄과 이란은 아프가니스탄 출신 난민 270만 명을 수용하고 있다.
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