For thousands, welfare becomes a way of life

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For thousands, welfare becomes a way of life


After divorcing his wife 10 years ago, Kim, 54, from South Chungcheong, went on welfare, left penniless and without a job. He hasn’t seen his daughter since, and his son barely keeps in touch.

As a diabetic, Kim said complications from the disease make it harder for him to find work. He believes he will have to rely on government support for the rest of his life.

Nearly three out of 10 households on welfare, or 234,000 households, have been on the rolls for more than a decade, according to a report by Representative Kang Myung-soon, a Grand National Party member of the National Assembly’s Health and Welfare Committee.

Using data submitted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the report also found that about 405,000 households have been on welfare for more than six years.

In terms of welfare recidivism, the report said that 110,441 people who were previously on the welfare roll had to go back on public assistance between June 2006 and August of this year. In the same period, 103,334 people went back on welfare twice, and 6,633 three times, indicating the instability of their financial situations.

The report also found that the number of welfare recipients who were able to get off public assistance decreased in the last decade. From January through August of this year, just 3.5 percent of welfare recipients were able to get off public assistance through the government’s self-support program compared to 7.9 percent in the same period in 2001.

The self-support program is a government project that places welfare recipients in various jobs.

The percentage of welfare recipients who were able to get off the public rolls on their own by getting a job or starting a business also fell to 1.7 percent from January through August of this year from 6.5 percent in the same period in 2001.

“[The self-support program] claims to be productive welfare but in reality only a portion of people were able to get out of poverty,” Kang said. “The longer people remain on welfare, the more they lose the willingness to earn money on their own. A customized program should be developed to increase their willingness to work.”

Welfare recipients in their 50s increased, according to the report, from 140,000 in 2007 to 177,000 this year. Increased financial burdens stemming from early retirement age and rising educational expenses for their children were considered to be the main contributors to the increase.

The number of welfare recipients in their 30s and 40s, meanwhile, decreased by 20,000 and 14,000, respectively, compared to figures in 2007. The total number of people on welfare decreased from 1.55 million in 2000 to 1.48 million people as of August this year.

By Park Yu-mi, Yim Seung-hye []

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 가구주 연령 현황을 보면 50대 가구주가 2007년 말 14만 가구에서 올해 17만7000여 가구로 증가했다. 이는 정년 연령이 낮아지고, 자녀 학자금 등 경제적 부담으로 50대 가구주의 부담이 커진 것으로 분석된다. 반면 30대, 40대 가구주는 2007년과 비교해 각각 2만 명, 1만4000명가량 감소했다. 전체 기초생활수급자 수는 2000년 시행 당시 155만 명에서 올해 8월 현재 148만 명으로 감소된 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 자활사업을 통해 빈곤해 탈출한 성공률은 2001년 7.9%에서 올해 3.5% 수준으로 떨어졌다. 이 중 취업이나 창업을 통한 빈곤 탈출률도 6.5%에서 1.7%로 감소했다.

 강 의원은 “생산적 복지를 표방했지만 실제 자활을 조건으로 하는 수급자는 일부에 그쳤다”며 “수급자로 오래 머물러 있을수록 주저앉게 되기 때문에 근로의욕을 높일 수 있는 맞춤형 프로그램을 개발해야 한다”고 지적했다.

◆국민기초생활보장제도=2000년 10월 시행된 복지 제도로 최저생계비 이상의 생활 수준 보장이 목적이다. 일할 능력이 있으면 자활 관련 사업 등에 참여한다는 조건하에 생계비를 지급하고 있다. 연령이나 근로 능력에 따라 차등 지원하는 점이 이전의 생활보호제도와 다른 점이다. 올해 4인 가족 기준 최저생계비는 143만9413원(1인 가구는 53만2583원)이다. 소득이 이에 못 미쳐 수급자가 된 대상자는 최저생계비에서 소득을 뺀 만큼의 생계비 지원을 받는다.
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