Netizens upset over novelist’s comments

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Netizens upset over novelist’s comments

Gong Ji-young, author of the novel the film “Dogani” was based upon, said on Twitter that she was “sad” after she was criticized by many netizens about her comments about figure skater Kim Yu-na and singer Insooni.

Gong, 48, was in the hot seat over the weekend after she criticized the two celebrities for appearing on newly launched general-broadcasting networks including JTBC and TV Chosun.

Gong, who is a liberal and has derided the launching of new broadcasting stations by newspapers considered to be conservative, wrote on Thursday that Insooni has “no idea what she’s doing” after one user told her the 54-year-old singer is performing at a celebration concert for general-broadcasting networks. Later that night, Gong also criticized the Olympic gold medalist Kim, who appeared on TV Chosun to introduce its programs, saying “I once liked her very much ... Yeah, she can express her opinions since she is an adult ... but bye bye Yu-na!”

After the comment, many Twitter users and netizens wrote that they were disappointed by Gong’s comment, saying it was inappropriate to argue about other celebrities’ freedom to appear in certain media, while others defended Gong since she has freedom to say what she wants on her personal account.

A Twitter user said Gong is not in a position to criticize those entertainers since she also wrote a novel that was serialized in the JoongAng Ilbo, the founder of JTBC, in 2006. Gong replied that her situation of contributing to major newspapers was different back then because it was under the Roh Moo-hyun administration.

Gong is one of the renowned female writers in Korea. Her works include “Go Alone like a Rhino Horn” (1993) and “Maundy Thursday” (2005).

By Joo Kyung-don []
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