냄비 근성도 쓰기 나름이다…
라면 제맛 내는 양은 냄비처럼 말이다
Published: 26 Dec. 2011, 17:57
내가 한 영작
This year, over 45,000 ⓐkinds of books were displayed at Kyobo Book Center, ⓑ and an average of 140 copies was sold for each kind. This year, Kyobo has sold about 6.3 million books. Sales of the top 100 books ⓒin the bestseller list are over 2.1 million copies. 0.002 percent of the books ⓓmake up one third of the total sales. As you go up the list, the disproportion becomes more serious. Three quarters of the 2.1 million copies are ⓔtop 50 books. And half of the three quarters are from the sales of top three books.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
This year, over 45,000 ⓐbooks were displayed at Kyobo Book Center, ⓑKorea’s largest bookstore, and the store sold around 6.3 million books this year. So one might be tempted to think that about 140 copies of each book were sold. But this assumption requires a closer look: The top 100 books ⓒon the best-seller list ⓓaccount for more than 2.1 million of these sales. In other words, 0.002 percent of the books in the store make up one-third of total sales. As you go up the list, the disproportion becomes starker. Three-quarters of the 2.1 million copies are ⓔtop-50 books, and half of the three-quarters is from sales of top-three books.
Writing Tip
ⓐ kinds of books → books 전시되는 책은 당연히 다른 종류임
ⓑ 없음 → Korea’s largest bookstore 독자층에 우리나라 사정에 익숙하지 않은 외국인들이 포함되어 있으므로 교보에 대한 설명 추가
ⓒ in → on 리스트에는 on을 씀
ⓓ make up → account for 구성한다는 의미의 make up도 가능한 표현이나 뒤에 make up이라는 표현이 또 쓰이므로 표현의 반복을 가급적 피하기 위해 차지한다는 의미의 account for로 수정
ⓔ top 50 → top-50 한 단위임을 표시하기 위해 하이픈 사용
좋은 책이 많이 팔리는 건 당연한 이치지만, 이건 좀 심해 보인다. 이른바 ‘냄비 근성’으로 일컬어지는 우리네 극단적 쏠림의 불편한 단면이다. 책뿐만 아니다. 우리 사회의 양은 냄비는 영화나 사교육, 주식시장에서도 쉽게 발견된다. 라면의 국물 색깔까지 ‘대세’를 따르는 건 어쩌면 너무도 당연한 일이다. 양은 냄비에 끓여야 제맛이 나는 게 라면이니 말이다.
내가 한 영작
It is only natural that good books sell more, but the trend is a bit too extreme. It is ⓐan inconvenient section of ⓑthe so-called "boiling pot" tendency of Koreans. ⓒThe thin pot that cools down so quickly can be found not only in books but also in movies, private education and stock market. Koreans tend to follow the trend even for the color of the instant noodle soup.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
It is only natural that good books sell more, but the trend is a bit too extreme. It is ⓐrepresentative of ⓑKoreans’ so-called “boiling pot” tendency. ⓒPeople follow national trends down to the color of instant noodle soups. Extreme conformity extends to what movies people watch, where they attend school and which stocks they purchase.
Writing Tip
ⓐ an inconvenient section → representative 번역시 우리말 표현을 그대로 할 것이 아니라 영어에 있는 표현을 사용해야 함, inconvenient는 외적 행위와 관련된 불편함을 뜻하지 심리적인 불편함을 뜻하지는 않음
ⓑ the so-called “boiling pot” tendency of Koreans → Koreans’ so-called “boiling pot” tendency the를 쓸 만큼 객관적으로 확연한 개념이 아님
ⓒ The thin pot that cools down so quickly can be found not only in books but also in movies, private education and stock market. Koreans tend to follow the trend even for the color of the instant noodle soup. → People follow national trends down to the color of instant noodle soups. Extreme conformity extends to what movies people watch, where they attend school and which stocks they purchase. 라면에 관한 이야기로 문단을 마무리 하기보다는 라면 이야기를 중간 예시로 활용한 후 하고자 하는 중요한 내용을 뒤로 배치
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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