“현명한 사람은 할 말이 있을 때만 말한다”
Published: 09 Jan. 2012, 17:42
[걸리버 여행기]를 쓴 17~18세기 아일랜드 작가 조너선 스위프트는 늙어서 하지 말아야 할 열여섯 가지 금기(禁忌)를 정리해 목록을 만들었다. ‘스위프트의 다짐(Swift’s Resolutions)’이다. 서른두 살 때였다. 1번이 ‘젊은 여성과 결혼하지 말 것’이다. 딸이나 손녀뻘 되는 새파란 여성 때문에 말년이 불행해지는 일이 없도록 조심하자는 자기 다짐이었을 것이다. 루퍼트 머독이나 조지 소로스라면 몰라도 나와는 상관없는 얘기다.
내가 한 영작
ⓐ17th and 18th century Irish writer Jonathan Swift had made a list of 16 ⓑ“don’ts” and ⓒvowed not to do the following when he becomes old. It is titled Swift’s Resolutions: When I Come to be Old. The first is “Not to marry a young woman.” He ⓓpledged to prevent troubles associated with young woman in his old days. The resolution may apply to Rupert Murdock or George Soros, but it actually has nothing to do with me.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
ⓐIrish writer Jonathan Swift made a list of 16 ⓑthings not to do when he became old. ⓒIt’s titled “Resolutions: When I Come to be Old.” The first pledge was not to marry a young woman. He ⓓwanted to prevent troubles associated with young woman in his old days. This resolution may apply to Rupert Murdoch or George Soros, but it actually has nothing to do with me.
Writing Tip
ⓐ 17th and 18th century Irish writer Jonathan Swift → Irish writer Jonathan Swift 불필요한 내용 생략
ⓑ “don’ts” → things not to do 신문이라는 형식을 고려하여 공식적인 표현으로 수정
ⓒ vowed not to do the following when he becomes old. It is titled Swift’s Resolutions: → It’s titled “Resolutions: 실제로 선언하고 맹세하는 상황이 아니므로 vowed 생략
ⓓ pledged → wanted 남들 앞에서 서약하는 것이 아니므로 pledged를 wanted로 수정
주변을 둘러봐도 자기 말 많이 하는 사람보다 남의 얘기 잘 들어주는 사람이 환영받는다. 들어주는 척하는 게 아니라 진심으로 상대방의 입장을 헤아리려고 애쓰는 사람, 한마디로 ‘공감(empathy)’할 줄 아는 사람이 인기가 높다.
내가 한 영작
If you look around, you ⓐwould find that ⓑthose who like to listen to others rather than voicing their own opinions are ⓒwelcome by others. Those who sincerely try to understand ⓓother people’s stance instead of pretending to ⓔlistening and have empathy for others are especially popular.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
If you look around, you ⓐwill certainly find that people are ⓒwelcomed ⓑif they listen to others rather than voice their own opinions first. Those who sincerely try to understand ⓓother people instead of pretending to ⓔlisten and have empathy for others are especially popular.
Writing Tip
ⓐ would → will 가정문이 아니라 조건문이므로 will을 써야 함,
ⓑ those who like to listen to others rather than voicing their own opinions are → if they listen to others rather than voice their own opinions first 남의 말을 듣기를 좋아하는지의 문제가 아니고 실제로 그렇게 하느냐의 문제이므로 if절로 수정,
ⓒ welcome → welcomed 위의 수정 내용에 따라 ‘환영 받는’을 뜻하는 welcome 보다는 환영 받게 된다는 의미의 ‘welcomed’가 더 적합함
ⓓ other people’s stance → other people 불필요한 단어 생략
ⓔ listening → listen pretend의 목적어로 to 부정사가 오므로 동사 원형을 써야 함
내가 한 영작
ⓐ17th and 18th century Irish writer Jonathan Swift had made a list of 16 ⓑ“don’ts” and ⓒvowed not to do the following when he becomes old. It is titled Swift’s Resolutions: When I Come to be Old. The first is “Not to marry a young woman.” He ⓓpledged to prevent troubles associated with young woman in his old days. The resolution may apply to Rupert Murdock or George Soros, but it actually has nothing to do with me.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
ⓐIrish writer Jonathan Swift made a list of 16 ⓑthings not to do when he became old. ⓒIt’s titled “Resolutions: When I Come to be Old.” The first pledge was not to marry a young woman. He ⓓwanted to prevent troubles associated with young woman in his old days. This resolution may apply to Rupert Murdoch or George Soros, but it actually has nothing to do with me.
Writing Tip
ⓐ 17th and 18th century Irish writer Jonathan Swift → Irish writer Jonathan Swift 불필요한 내용 생략
ⓑ “don’ts” → things not to do 신문이라는 형식을 고려하여 공식적인 표현으로 수정
ⓒ vowed not to do the following when he becomes old. It is titled Swift’s Resolutions: → It’s titled “Resolutions: 실제로 선언하고 맹세하는 상황이 아니므로 vowed 생략
ⓓ pledged → wanted 남들 앞에서 서약하는 것이 아니므로 pledged를 wanted로 수정
주변을 둘러봐도 자기 말 많이 하는 사람보다 남의 얘기 잘 들어주는 사람이 환영받는다. 들어주는 척하는 게 아니라 진심으로 상대방의 입장을 헤아리려고 애쓰는 사람, 한마디로 ‘공감(empathy)’할 줄 아는 사람이 인기가 높다.
내가 한 영작
If you look around, you ⓐwould find that ⓑthose who like to listen to others rather than voicing their own opinions are ⓒwelcome by others. Those who sincerely try to understand ⓓother people’s stance instead of pretending to ⓔlistening and have empathy for others are especially popular.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
If you look around, you ⓐwill certainly find that people are ⓒwelcomed ⓑif they listen to others rather than voice their own opinions first. Those who sincerely try to understand ⓓother people instead of pretending to ⓔlisten and have empathy for others are especially popular.
Writing Tip
ⓐ would → will 가정문이 아니라 조건문이므로 will을 써야 함,
ⓑ those who like to listen to others rather than voicing their own opinions are → if they listen to others rather than voice their own opinions first 남의 말을 듣기를 좋아하는지의 문제가 아니고 실제로 그렇게 하느냐의 문제이므로 if절로 수정,
ⓒ welcome → welcomed 위의 수정 내용에 따라 ‘환영 받는’을 뜻하는 welcome 보다는 환영 받게 된다는 의미의 ‘welcomed’가 더 적합함
ⓓ other people’s stance → other people 불필요한 단어 생략
ⓔ listening → listen pretend의 목적어로 to 부정사가 오므로 동사 원형을 써야 함
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