Yoon Eun-hye shuts fan sites

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Yoon Eun-hye shuts fan sites

Singer-turned-actress Yoon Eun-hye has closed down her online fan sites just a month after they opened.

After the actress launched Jayami Entertainment, an agency she runs on her own, she opened new websites in September to communicate with her fans.

But she saw a backlash from netizens after considering a lead role in the film “Saranghuae,” which roughly translates to “After Love.” People opposed her appearance in the movie because it also stars Park Si-hoo, who was accused of rape last year by a 22-year-old woman.

Several fans posted comments criticizing Yoon’s agency. The actress then left warning messages, leading people to speculate that Yoon is against her fans who have cheered her on and were worried about her.

Her agency stated that the posts were “only for the cyberbullies.”

Yoon reportedly said that she posted the warning message aimed at the online critics, not at her fans.
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