[THINK ENGLISH] 현실에 절망한 2030의 주식 베팅… ‘파이어족’ 급증
Published: 10 Feb. 2021, 09:45
Updated: 10 Feb. 2021, 09:46
Desperate youth place risky bets on stocks
현실에 절망한 2030의 주식 베팅… ‘파이어족’ 급증
Korea JoongAng Daily 5면 기사
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Sohn Kwan-ju, a 28-year-old office worker, puts some 70 percent to 80 percent of his salary into a stock trading account every month.
office worker: 회사원
stock trading account: 증권 계좌
28세 회사원 손관주씨는 매달 월급의 70~80%를 증권 계좌에 넣는다.
“I always feel anxious [about my future] as there is no longer such thing as a job for life, and the company doesn’t really increase my salary,” Sohn said. “For now, my goal is to earn 500,000 won every month through stock investment so that I can pay my rent with that.”
job for life: 평생직장
for now: 우선은
stock investment: 주식투자
손씨는 “평생직장이란 건 없고 월급도 오르지 않아 항상 불안하다”며 “우선은 주식으로 매달 50만원씩 월세 낼만큼 버는 게 목표가 됐다”고 말했다.
Another 30-year-old man who currently works for a foreign company says he gave up getting promoted at his work.
get promoted: 승진하다
외국계 회사에 다니는 또 다른 30세 남성은 직장에서 승진은 포기했다.
Instead, he has been concentrating on earning money through stock investment. Last year, he put about 20 million won into stocks and has constantly been investing 40 percent of his salary every month.
대신 그는 주식투자로 돈 버는 것에 집중하고 있다. 지난해 그는 2000만원을 주식에 투자했고 매달 월급의 40%로 주식을 추가로 사들이고 있다.
“The wealth gap between me and my friends has been widening quickly just because they purchased properties earlier than I did,” he said. “I can’t just wait to be promoted at work.”
wealth gap: 자산 격차
그는 “나보다 먼저 집을 산 친구들과 자산 격차가 벌어 지니 마음이 급해져서 승진에 신경쓸 여력이 없다”고 말했다.
According to a survey by Mirae Asset Investment and Pension Center on 700 Koreans aged between 25 to 39, some 31 percent said they have been investing in order to “save up money” to buy houses. Another 23 percent said they are saving "for life after retirement,” while roughly 15 percent said they invest to save money for their marriages.
pension: 연금
retirement: 은퇴
미래에셋투자와연금센터가 25세에서 39세 한국인들을 조사한 결과에 따르면 약 31%가 집을 사기 위해 돈을 모으려 주식에 투자하고 있다고 답했다. 23%는 은퇴 이후를 위해 돈을 모으고 있다고 답했다. 15%는 결혼 자금을 마련하기 위해 투자한다고 했다.
The Financial Independence Retire Early movement is also booming for young people. It means to save and invest very aggressively — somewhere between 50 percent to 75 percent of income — so that people can retire sometime in their 30s or 40s. The movement was once popular in the United States.
Financial Independence Retire Early: 파이어(FIRE)
젊은층 사이에 ‘파이어족’도 생겨나고 있다. 30~40대 조기은퇴를 꿈꾸며 공격적으로 수입의 50~70%를 저축하고 투자하는 사람들을 가리킨다. 미국에서 한때 유행했던 흐름이다.
A 30-year-old hairstylist hopes to save up about 400 million won in 10 years and retire. He said he will then invest in dividend stocks, particularly those with high yields above 5 to 6 percent so that he can regularly earn some 2 million won per month from it.
hairstylist: 헤어디자이너
dividend stock with high yield: 고배당주
한 30세 헤어디자이너는 10년 안에 4억원을 모아서 은퇴하는 게 목표다. 이후 매달 200만원가량 생활비가 나올 수 있도록 연 5~6%의 고배당주에 투자할 계획이다.
Choi said he has constantly been investing in the stock market since 2017 — some 75 percent of his salary every month. “I will work until 40 and then will make a living through investing in various companies with the money I have saved,” added Choi.
make a living: 생계를 꾸리다
최씨는 2017년부터 매달 수입의 75%를 증권 계좌에 계속 부어왔다. 그는 “나는 40세까지 일하고 그 다음부터 는 내가 저축한 돈으로 여러 기업들에 투자하면서 살겠다”고 말했다.
Koo Jeong-woo, a sociology professor at Sungkyunkwan University, said the current situation in which young people concentrate on investing in real estate and stocks rather than saving their salaries refl ects the state of society.
구정우 성균관대 교수는 젊은층이 월급을 저축하기보다 부동산과 주식에 투자하는데 집중하는 것은 현재의 사회상을 반영한다고 말했다.
“People who are suffering from fear of the future, as well as the social deprivation because they have lost the chance to buy properties, consider stock investment as the ‘last opportunity’ to earn money,” said Koo.
fear of the future: 미래에 대한 불안감
social deprivation: 사회적 박탈감
구 교수는 “집 살 기회조차 잃었다는 박탈감과 미래에 대한 불안감이 맞물려 주식투자를 돈을 벌 수 있는 ‘마지막 기회’로 여기고 있다”고 분석했다.
A growing number of young investors are even borrowing loans to participate in the investment. The total amount of money Koreans who are aged under 30 borrowed from brokerage houses amounted to 420 billion won as of September last year. That’s roughly 162.5 percent up compared to the previous year.
brokerage house: 증권사
주식 투자를 위해 돈을 빌리는 젊은 투자자들의 수도 늘고 있다. 30세 미만이 증권사에서 빌린 돈은 지난해 9월 기준 4200억원이다. 이는 전년에 비해 162.5%가 늘어난 수치다.
Sung Tae-yoon, who teaches economics at Yonsei University, is concerned. “More people are going into debt in order to invest in stocks,” Sung said. “Young investors will likely be hit hardest when stock prices are adjusted in the near future.”
go into debt: 빚을 내다
adjust: 조정하다
연세대 성태윤 교수는 “빚을 내서 주식에 투자하는 사람들의 수가 늘고 있다”며 “증시가 조정받으면 젊은층이 큰 타격을 받을 것”이라고 말했다.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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