The sweet smell of sales

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The sweet smell of sales

A cosmetics store within Lotte Department Store in Daegu allowing customers to smell their sample perfumes on Tuesday. As the government has been taking steps toward easing Covid-19 restrictions and returning to normalcy, department stores that stopped offering samples have also been relaxing their restrictions. As such cosmetics sales have surged. In the last two weeks since the government eased regulations, cosmetics sales are estimated to have increased 32 percent compared to the previous two weeks. [YONHAP]

A cosmetics store within Lotte Department Store in Daegu allowing customers to smell their sample perfumes on Tuesday. As the government has been taking steps toward easing Covid-19 restrictions and returning to normalcy, department stores that stopped offering samples have also been relaxing their restrictions. As such cosmetics sales have surged. In the last two weeks since the government eased regulations, cosmetics sales are estimated to have increased 32 percent compared to the previous two weeks. [YONHAP]

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