In appreciation of the armed forces

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In appreciation of the armed forces

Khaled Abdel Rahman, ambassador of Egypt to Korea, front left, and Brigadier General Anas Ramadan, Egyptian defense attache to Korea, front center, present a special token of appreciation to Yoo Dong-joon, deputy minister of the Korean Defense Ministry’s Office of Military Force and Resources Management, right, at an event to celebrate the 49th anniversary of Egyptian Armed Forces Day at the Army Club of the Ministry of National Defense of Korea in Seoul on Thursday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

Khaled Abdel Rahman, ambassador of Egypt to Korea, front left, and Brigadier General Anas Ramadan, Egyptian defense attache to Korea, front center, present a special token of appreciation to Yoo Dong-joon, deputy minister of the Korean Defense Ministry’s Office of Military Force and Resources Management, right, at an event to celebrate the 49th anniversary of Egyptian Armed Forces Day at the Army Club of the Ministry of National Defense of Korea in Seoul on Thursday. [PARK SANG-MOON]


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