Husband confesses to murder of wife, two sons in Gwangmyeong

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Husband confesses to murder of wife, two sons in Gwangmyeong

Gwangmyeong Police Station [YONHAP]

Gwangmyeong Police Station [YONHAP]

The husband and father of a mother and two teenage sons that were found dead at their home in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi confessed he murdered the three, police said Wednesday.
The Gwangmyeong Police Precinct is currently investigating the man in his 40s after arresting him without a warrant on the suspicion of the triple murder. 
The husband is suspected of killing his wife and his two sons around 8 p.m. at the apartment in Gwangmyeong on Tuesday.
The man allegedly killed the two sons while his wife was out of the apartment and then killed his wife when she returned. 
He then left the house and disposed of the weapons he used and clothes he was wearing in some bushes outside the apartment. 
He went to a PC bang (internet cafe) where he stayed for some two hours before calling the police and saying "he found his sons dead after coming back home."
The police said that the man claimed the crime was based on family conflict.
"We will need to further investigate the motive behind the crime," the police added.

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