Urban combat

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Urban combat

Soldiers of the South Korean army’s 9th Infantry Division take positions during an urban warfare exercise at a training center in Paju, Gyeonggi, on Thursday. The South Korean and the U.S. militaries commenced Monday the Freedom Shield exercise, which includes the largest joint field exercises since 2018. North Korea has been responding to the South Korea-U.S. military exercise with missile tests of its own. [YONHAP]

Soldiers of the South Korean army’s 9th Infantry Division take positions during an urban warfare exercise at a training center in Paju, Gyeonggi, on Thursday. The South Korean and the U.S. militaries commenced Monday the Freedom Shield exercise, which includes the largest joint field exercises since 2018. North Korea has been responding to the South Korea-U.S. military exercise with missile tests of its own. [YONHAP]

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