Apple to collaborate with NewJeans for opening of fifth retail store

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Apple to collaborate with NewJeans for opening of fifth retail store

Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

Apple will collaborate with girl group NewJeans to celebrate the opening of its fifth retail store, the company announced Wednesday. 
Visitors to Apple Gangnam can enjoy a Today at Apple session featuring a special edition of NewJeans' hit single, "OMG(Apple Music Edition)." 
The 15-minute sessions will run at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays from April 1 for a limited time. 
Apple Gangnam will open on March 31. The store is located near Line No. 9 Sinnonhyeon Station. 
Apple collaborated with boy band Seventeen for a promotional event April last year. 
Through the session titled "Today at Apple," the boy band remixed some of their hit songs using Apple music apps including Garageband and delivered remixed versions of their songs in real-time to fans. 
Apple Gangnam, Apple's fifth retail store in Korea [APPLE]

Apple Gangnam, Apple's fifth retail store in Korea [APPLE]

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