Yoon says 'Busan is ready' at banquet for BIE delegation

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Yoon says 'Busan is ready' at banquet for BIE delegation

President Yoon Suk Yeol, center left, and first lady Kim Keon-hee, center right, pose for a commemorative photo with a visiting delegation of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) overseeing Busan's World Expo 2030 bid at a banquet at the Blue House Sangchunjae in central Seoul Monday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, center left, and first lady Kim Keon-hee, center right, pose for a commemorative photo with a visiting delegation of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) overseeing Busan's World Expo 2030 bid at a banquet at the Blue House Sangchunjae in central Seoul Monday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol said Korea is ready to share its experiences with the world at a banquet to welcome a visiting delegation of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) overseeing Busan's World Expo 2030 bid on Monday.  
"The 2030 Busan World Expo will serve as an opportunity to share our various experiences and strengths, seek solutions to the challenges faced by mankind and create innovation," said Yoon in an address at the dinner event at the Blue House Sangchunjae in central Seoul.
"Busan is an attractive city sought by many tourists and is already prepared to become a world-class maritime city."  
The Sangchunjae is a traditional Korean-style hanok structure used for hosting foreign guests and unofficial meetings in the former presidential office compound which was opened to the public in May last year.  
The BIE enquiry mission, led by Patrick Specht, president of the BIE's Administration and Budget Committee, arrived on Sunday evening for a six-day visit to evaluate Korea's bid to host the World Expo.  
Yoon highlighted Korea's capacity to host the Expo ahead of the eight-member delegation's trip to Busan on Tuesday to carry out on-site inspections at the southeastern port city.
"Korea is a country that unprecedentedly achieved independence and overcame war and poverty in less than a century," said Yoon. "The Republic of Korea of today leads the world with its high-tech industries and is loved by people around the world for its diverse arts and culture."
"The Korean government is working together with the private sector to host the 2030 Busan World Expo," said Yoon, sharing that Korea is doing its best to win the bid so that "future generations can dream of a better world and global citizens can dream of a better future."  
He especially highlighted that Korea is also ready to do its share as a responsible member of the international community.  
"We were able to achieve remarkable prosperity through our efforts toward freedom, solidarity and cooperation with the international community," said Yoon, "And we are fulfilling our responsibilities and contributions as a member of the international community."
He told the delegation that through their on-site inspection this week, he believes they will be able to experience for themselves the "differentiated competitiveness" of Busan's capacity to hold the Expo and said he hoped they would "fully enjoy the taste and style of Korea" during their visit.  
"Busan is ready," Yoon said in English wrapping up his speech, according to the presidential office in a statement.  
President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, greets Patrick Specht, president of the BIE's Administration and Budget Committee, at the Sangchunjae in the Blue House compound in central Seoul on Monday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, greets Patrick Specht, president of the BIE's Administration and Budget Committee, at the Sangchunjae in the Blue House compound in central Seoul on Monday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Specht stressed that that the inspection team places the greatest importance on broad support across various sectors of a candidate country and said that he appreciated the active support from the president, government and National Assembly, according to the presidential office.  
Earlier in the day, the National Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution pledging bipartisan support for Busan's 2030 World Expo bid in a rare sign of political unity.
The dinner was attended by Korean government officials and business and cultural leaders, including Busan Mayor Park Heong-joon, Finance Minister Choo Kyung-ho, SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, who doubles as head of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), and world-renowned soprano Jo Sumi, an honorary ambassador for World Expo 2030 Busan.
Hwasumok, a gugak traditional Korean music team, performed a rendition of boy band BTS's "Boy With Luv." BTS also serve as honorary ambassadors for Busan's bid.
President Yoon Suk Yeol, third from left, toasts a visiting delegation of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) overseeing Busan's World Expo 2030 bid at a banquet at the Blue House compound in central Seoul Monday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, third from left, toasts a visiting delegation of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) overseeing Busan's World Expo 2030 bid at a banquet at the Blue House compound in central Seoul Monday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Earlier in the afternoon, Yoon expressed his gratitude after the Netherlands expressed its support for Korea's bid to host the World Expo during a 30-minute phone call with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.  
"I am grateful that the Netherlands expressed its support for Korea's bid to host the 2030 Busan Expo, the first among western European countries," Yoon was quoted as saying by Lee Do-woon, a presidential spokesman, in a press briefing.
On Monday morning, during a weekly meeting with his senior aides, Yoon instructed government agencies to fully support the visiting delegation of the BIE this week.  
"All government agencies should make utmost efforts to support the BIE inspection team's itinerary during their visit to Korea," Yoon said, according to presidential spokesman.
The BIE delegation met with business leaders, government officials and lawmakers in Seoul on Monday.  
The BIE team headed to Busan on Tuesday to visit the North Port, a proposed venue for World Expo 2030, and other key sites in the city.
The delegation visited Saudi Arabia's Riyadh and Ukraine's Odesa in March before arriving in Korea. Rome is the last city the team will visit, 10 days after leaving Busan.  
The BIE enquiry mission is tasked with assessing the feasibility and viability of each Expo bid and will look into motivations, attractiveness of the proposed theme, the proposed site and its reusability after the Expo, levels of local and national support, expected participation and financial feasibility.
Their findings will be reported at the BIE's executive committee next month.
The final decision will be reached by the BIE during its 173rd general assembly in November through a secret ballot.
The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) delegation poses for a commemorative photo during a luncheon with business leaders at Hotel Shilla in central Seoul on Monday. [NEWS1]

The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) delegation poses for a commemorative photo during a luncheon with business leaders at Hotel Shilla in central Seoul on Monday. [NEWS1]

BY SARAH KIM [kim.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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