Lovelyz's Lee Mi-joo to come out with solo music next month

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Lovelyz's Lee Mi-joo to come out with solo music next month

Singer Lee Mi-joo of girl group Lovelyz [ANTENNA]

Singer Lee Mi-joo of girl group Lovelyz [ANTENNA]

Lee Mi-joo of girl group Lovelyz will release her first solo music next month, nine years after her debut, her agency Atenna said Monday.
"Lee Mi-joo is making the final touches to her solo debut in May," Antenna said in a press release. "We ask for your love and support for the new side of Lee Mi-joo that will show through her as a solo singer."
The Lovelyz member, well-known for her vocals and dance skills, debuted in 2014 as a part of the eight-member group but has been focusing on her TV career in recent years.
She has notably been making her mark with her candid and humorous personality in programs such as "Hangout with Yoo" (2019-). During the show, she teamed up with actor Park Jin-joo to form a K-pop duo Juju Secret and released the city pop track "Lonely Night" on March 25.

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