Bogus golf gets barred

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Bogus golf gets barred

An indoor golf academy in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, run by a pro golfer surnamed Ahn, a suspect in the recent alleged stock manipulation case under investigation by prosecution and financial authorities, is barred with ″keep out″ signs on Wednesday. Prosecutors suspect the indoor sports facility to have been used by alleged manipulators to collect investment proceeds as commissions by making bogus purchases of pricey golf lessons and memberships. [YONHAP]

An indoor golf academy in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, run by a pro golfer surnamed Ahn, a suspect in the recent alleged stock manipulation case under investigation by prosecution and financial authorities, is barred with ″keep out″ signs on Wednesday. Prosecutors suspect the indoor sports facility to have been used by alleged manipulators to collect investment proceeds as commissions by making bogus purchases of pricey golf lessons and memberships. [YONHAP]

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