NewJeans, Le Sserafim receive platinum certificate from Japanese music association

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NewJeans, Le Sserafim receive platinum certificate from Japanese music association

Girl group Le Sserafim [SOURCE MUSIC]

Girl group Le Sserafim [SOURCE MUSIC]

Two girl groups from HYBE — NewJeans and Le Sserafim — are both making their marks in Japan.  
The two groups have both been awarded their first platinum certification for song streaming by the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) on Monday.  
Platinum certification is the second-highest streaming certification given by the RIAJ, signifying a total of 100 million streams. The highest certification, given to streams of 500 million and more, is titled the diamond certification.  
NewJeans achieved its first diamond streaming certification with single “Ditto,” released in December of last year, while Le Sserafim received with “Antifragile,” the title track of the second EP released last October.  
Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

Both songs have surpassed 100 million streams as of May, according to RIAJ.
Le Sserafim will release its second Japanese single “Unforgiven,” on Aug. 23, which will include Japanese versions of “Unforgiven,” “Antifragile,” and a brand new track that the group “collaborated with a popular artist,” according to the group’s agency Source Music.
Source Music is a sub-label of HYBE.
NewJeans is set to continue its Japanese activities by appearing in Japanese music shows next month, followed by a stage at the Summer Sonic 2023, Japan’s music festival, in August.  
The girl group will also drop its second EP, “Get Up,” on July 21 in Korea.

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