Striker Hwang Ui-jo files defamation, blackmail charges

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Striker Hwang Ui-jo files defamation, blackmail charges

Hwang Ui-jo. [YONHAP]

Hwang Ui-jo. [YONHAP]

Football player Hwang Ui-jo filed criminal complaints on Monday against the individual or individuals who allegedly leaked private videos and photos from his smartphone last month.
According to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, the 31-year-old footballer filed complaints for defamation and blackmail.
The law firm representing Hwang, Jeongsol, told the Korea JoongAng Daily that five Instagram accounts were used to spread Hwang's photos and videos. 
However, the law firm added that it was unclear whether a single person created all the accounts.  
Hwang filed the complaints with Seongdong Police Precinct, where the cybercrime division is investigating the case.  
The footballer left the country Sunday to return to Premier League club Nottingham Forest.
On June 25, an anonymous individual or individuals posted on Instagram an accusation that Hwang had tricked many women into having sex with him, including social media influencers and celebrities.
The post also accused Hwang of illegally filming his sexual encounters without the women's knowledge.
The accused also posted a photo of a naked man who resembles Hwang in bed with a woman. The woman's face could not be seen. 
The football player has denied taking nonconsensual videos.  
“I have not done anything illegal, which many people have been concerned about,” Hwang said in a hand-written statement released by law firm Jeongsol on Thursday.  
Hwang’s representative claimed the player's smartphone was stolen while he was playing for Olympiacos in Greece last November.  
An unknown individual has reportedly been sending messages to Hwang since May threatening to release the photos.

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