Police investigate 'ghost baby' case in Busan

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Police investigate 'ghost baby' case in Busan

Police search for the body of a newborn buried on a hillside in Geoje, South Gyeongsang, in 2022. [GYEONGGNAM PROVINCIAL POLICE AGENCY]

Police search for the body of a newborn buried on a hillside in Geoje, South Gyeongsang, in 2022. [GYEONGGNAM PROVINCIAL POLICE AGENCY]

Police on Tuesday said they are investigating a mother accused of burying an unregistered baby in Busan.
The case was discovered as local authorities launched a complete inspection into “ghost babies” and requested police involvement.
The mother told the police that she disposed of her dead baby’s body on a mountain near her home in February 2015, according to Busan Metropolitan Police Agency.
Police will search for the body as early as Wednesday.  

BY CHO JUNG-WOO [cho.jungwoo1@joongang.co.kr]
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