Embrace culture, overcome challenges and form connections, foreign student tells future expats

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Embrace culture, overcome challenges and form connections, foreign student tells future expats

Abdul Sameed Abdulwahab at Busan Gamcheon Cultural Village in 2021 [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Abdul Sameed Abdulwahab at Busan Gamcheon Cultural Village in 2021 [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Embarking on a study abroad adventure around the world is a dream that only a few lucky people get to experience. It's an exciting journey filled with anticipation, challenges and personal development. For me, born and brought up in a small village in Kerala, India, deciding to pursue a Techno MBA degree from KAIST College of Business and dive into Korea's lively culture was a crucial moment, offering a unique opportunity for personal growth.
While many people talk about feeling homesick and experiencing culture shock, my experience was empowering. It showed me a world where different backgrounds come together, boosting my independence and bringing out my extroverted side.
When the opportunity for a fully funded scholarship in Japan, Taiwan and Korea emerged, I couldn't resist the temptation of the country that had enchanted me. It wasn't just the familiarity of Hallyu, the Korean Wave, but also the chance to fully immerse myself in the culture at a prestigious university. 
I found myself irresistibly drawn to the country's allure the moment I landed in Korea in 2020. Deep within me, I felt a profound connection.
Scholarship success
Scholarships played a crucial role in helping me achieve my goal of studying abroad. I spent two years working hard to secure the prestigious Global Korea Scholarship from the Korean government. I devoted countless hours to studying the Korean language through online classes provided by websites like Howtostudykorean.com and Talk To Me In Korean. Additionally, I obtained relevant certifications for my major, business administration, through the online platform Coursera. Each step brought me closer to realizing my dream of studying abroad.
Abdulwahab wearing traditional Korean attire, hanbok, at Jeonju Hanok Village in Jeonju, North Gyeongsang, in 2022 during a promotional tour hosted by the Korea Tourism Organization [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Abdulwahab wearing traditional Korean attire, hanbok, at Jeonju Hanok Village in Jeonju, North Gyeongsang, in 2022 during a promotional tour hosted by the Korea Tourism Organization [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Cultural integration and overcoming challenges
Being a Muslim student in Korea added a whole new layer of concerns and cultural adjustments to my study abroad experience. One of my biggest worries was finding halal food options and adhering to my religious dietary restrictions. The language barrier made it even more challenging, leaving me uncertain about communication and where to find suitable meals. Building a social network and making friends within the local community was also very challenging.
During the first year, I attended a language school at Dongseo University in Busan, where I was placed with other international students. This arrangement made it difficult to connect with locals and hindered my efforts to establish meaningful connections. Even when attempting to make friends, the language barriers, cultural differences and the tendency for students to form close-knit groups required proactive efforts to overcome and bridge the gaps.
However, I was determined to overcome these obstacles and make the most of my experience. I sought resources and connected with other Muslim students through the Muslim Students Community at school. Additionally, I participated in cultural exchange activities, such as the buddy program, which allowed me to engage in language exchange with Korean students. I also took part in cultural events on the national holiday of Chuseok, which provided an opportunity for me to break down barriers and embrace cultural integration.
Through these efforts, I discovered new ways to navigate unfamiliar situations, foster genuine connections with people from different backgrounds and experienced personal growth.
Outside a stadium in Seoul in 2022 for a Blackpink concert [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Outside a stadium in Seoul in 2022 for a Blackpink concert [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Empowering transformations and appreciation
Throughout my study abroad experience, I had the opportunity to engage in empowering and transformative moments. Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures expanded my horizons and deepened my understanding of global diversity.
Participating in activities such as Wow Korea, organized by the Korea Tourism Organization, and Oh My Gyeonggi, organized by the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization, as well as serving as an international student representative at the KAIST student council helped me develop independence, enhance my self-confidence and refine my leadership and communication skills by actively seeking advice and learning from global talents and experts from each program that I was a part of.
Being away from my homeland, India, offered me a unique perspective to reflect on India's rich culture, traditions, and values. I developed a profound appreciation for my heritage, motivating me to actively share and celebrate Indian festivals, customs, and practices with the diverse community I became a part of in Korea.
Celebrating graduation day at Busan Dongseo University Language School in 2021 with classmates; outside a stadium in Seoul in 2022 for a Blackpink concert [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Celebrating graduation day at Busan Dongseo University Language School in 2021 with classmates; outside a stadium in Seoul in 2022 for a Blackpink concert [ABDUL SAMEED ABDULWAHAB]

Impact on future plans and goals
Looking back, I am amazed at the personal growth and transformation I underwent during my time in Korea. It shaped not only my personality but also my outlook and worldview. I became more adaptable, open-minded, and appreciative of diversity. This transformative process instilled in me a greater sense of empathy and a desire to bridge cultural gaps and promote global harmony.
The study abroad experience broadened my academic and professional horizons, solidifying my passion for cultural exchange, international relations and global cooperation. It inspired me to pursue a career fostering understanding and collaboration between different countries and cultures. Moreover, it influenced my personal goals, emphasizing lifelong learning, embracing diversity, and nurturing meaningful connections.
Advice to future international students
When preparing for a study abroad adventure, it is crucial to invest time and effort into researching and understanding the culture, language and customs of the host country. For example, before I embarked on my journey, I made sure to learn basic Korean phrases and familiarize myself with cultural norms. This helped me navigate daily life, respect the local community and foster positive interactions.
Seeking connections and building meaningful relationships with both locals and fellow international students is another piece of advice I have. Throughout my study abroad experience, I actively participated in social events, joined student organizations and engaged in cultural exchange programs. By doing so, I was able to connect with a diverse range of individuals and create lasting friendships. Building relationships with locals provided me with unique insights into their way of life, allowed me to explore hidden gems and truly immerse myself in the culture. Similarly, bonding with fellow international students who were going through similar experiences provided a sense of camaraderie and support throughout my journey.
Embrace the unknown, step out of your comfort zone and be open to new experiences. Remember that challenges are inevitable, but they offer invaluable opportunities for personal growth. So take the leap, explore and make lifelong memories that will shape your perspective and contribute to your personal and academic development.

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