Girl group cignature to release 'Us in the Summer' in August

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Girl group cignature to release 'Us in the Summer' in August

A teaser poster for girl group cignature's upcoming album, ″Us in the Summer″ [J9 ENTERTAINMENT]

A teaser poster for girl group cignature's upcoming album, ″Us in the Summer″ [J9 ENTERTAINMENT]

Girl group cignature will release its fourth EP, "Us in the Summer," on Aug. 29, its agency J9 Entertainment said Tuesday.  
cignature's most recent album was "My Little Aurora," which dropped in January this year. It was the group's most successful album up to date, selling more than double in the first week of its release compared to its previous album, "Dear Diary Moment" (2021).  
A teaser poster released Tuesday showed the six members of cignature walking on top of a brick wall, dressed up in school uniforms.  
cignature debuted in February 2020 with the single "Nun Nu Nan Na" and currently consists of seven members: Chaesol, Jeewon, Seline, Chloe, Belle, Semi and Dohee. The girl group will promote as a group of six without Belle. Belle will participate in SBS's upcoming K-pop girl group audition program "Universe Ticket" with her real name Jin Hyeon-ju. 
To find out more about cignature, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

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