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PSG in Korea

Lee Kang-in, center, arrives at Gimhae International Airport in Busan with his Paris Saint-Germain teammates on Wednesday ahead of a Coupang Play Series preseason friendly against K League club Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors on Thursday.  [COUPANG PLAY]

Lee Kang-in, center, arrives at Gimhae International Airport in Busan with his Paris Saint-Germain teammates on Wednesday ahead of a Coupang Play Series preseason friendly against K League club Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors on Thursday. [COUPANG PLAY]

Neymar, center, arrives at Gimhae International Airport in Busan with his Paris Saint-Germain teammates on Wednesday ahead of a Coupang Play Series preseason friendly against K League club Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors on Thursday.  [COUPANG PLAY]

Neymar, center, arrives at Gimhae International Airport in Busan with his Paris Saint-Germain teammates on Wednesday ahead of a Coupang Play Series preseason friendly against K League club Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors on Thursday. [COUPANG PLAY]

Fans try to take a photo of Lee Kang-in, center, as he arrives at Gimhae International Airport in Busan with his Paris Saint-Germain teammates on Wednesday ahead of a Coupang Play Series preseason friendly against K League club Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors on Thursday.  [NEWS1]

Fans try to take a photo of Lee Kang-in, center, as he arrives at Gimhae International Airport in Busan with his Paris Saint-Germain teammates on Wednesday ahead of a Coupang Play Series preseason friendly against K League club Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors on Thursday. [NEWS1]

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