Seventeen drops 'Sara Sara' before its album release on Aug. 23

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Seventeen drops 'Sara Sara' before its album release on Aug. 23

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The cover for boy band Seventeen's upcoming compilation album ″Always Yours″ [PLEDIS ENTERTAINMENT]

The cover for boy band Seventeen's upcoming compilation album ″Always Yours″ [PLEDIS ENTERTAINMENT]

Boy band Seventeen dropped "Sara Sara," the prerelease track for its upcoming compilation album set to release on Aug. 23, its agency Pledis Entertainment said Wednesday.  
"Sara Sara," which is "objects marching forward or flowing without hindrance" in Japanese, refers to Seventeen's message to the fans of the boy band that they "have been flowing to this day, and plans to flow with the fans in the future," according to the agency.  
The boy band's first compilation album, "Always Yours," set to release on Aug. 23, will feature a total of 27 tracks, including two brand new tracks, "Ima –Even if the world ends tomorrow-"and "Sara Sara."  
It is also set to kick off "Seventeen Tour 'Follow' to Japan," a "dome tour" across Japan, performing in Tokyo Dome, Belluna Dome in Saitama, Vantelin Dome Nagoya, Kyocera Dome Osaka and the Fukuoka Dome from Sept. 6 to Dec. 16.  
Seventeen's 10th EP, "FML," released on April 24, became the most-sold album in the first week of its release in the history of K-pop, with 4.55 million copies sold.
To find out more about Seventeen, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

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