Vanner to hold fan concert for first time around Asia

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Vanner to hold fan concert for first time around Asia

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The poster for boy band Vanner's first ever fan concert ″VVS Adventure″ [KLAP ENTERTAINMENT]

The poster for boy band Vanner's first ever fan concert ″VVS Adventure″ [KLAP ENTERTAINMENT]

Vanner, the winning team of JTBC's boy band competition program "Peak Time," will hold its first-ever "fan concert" around Asia.  
Titled "VVS Adventure," the boy band will kick off the concert at Yonsei University's Centennial Hall in western Seoul on Oct. 14 and 15, followed by performances in Tokyo, Osaka and Macau.  
VVS is the name of the boy band's fandom.  
The event will have the theme of finding hidden secrets in a school, according to Vanner's agency Klap Entertainment.  
Vanner debuted as a five-member band —Taehwan, Gon, Hyeseong, Sunggook and Yeonggwang — in 2019 after training themselves through over 200 live performances in Japan. The group's name is a combination of the words "victory" and "banner."  
After initially seeing lukewarm success, Vanner competed on "Peak Time" as Team 11:00 and finished first place. The series aired from February to April to shed light on already-debuted but lesser-known boy bands.
The boy band dropped its first EP, "Veni, Vidi, Vici," on Aug. 21, making it Vanner's first music release since "Peak Time."  
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" refers to the Latin phrase "I came; I saw; I conquered." The six-track EP features the lead track "Performer" and a 2023 version of the band's 2020 single "Form."  
To find out more about VANNER, visit Celeb Confirmed! 

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