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One more for Cho

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FC Midtjylland's Cho Gue-sung warms up at the MCH Arena in Herning, Denmark ahead of a Danish Superliga match against Odense Boldklub in a photo shared on FC Midtjylland's official Facebook page on Sunday. Cho, who appeared sporting an unexpected new hairstyle, scored a goal during the game, leading his side to a 2-1 victory and managing his fifth goal for the club this season. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

FC Midtjylland's Cho Gue-sung warms up at the MCH Arena in Herning, Denmark ahead of a Danish Superliga match against Odense Boldklub in a photo shared on FC Midtjylland's official Facebook page on Sunday. Cho, who appeared sporting an unexpected new hairstyle, scored a goal during the game, leading his side to a 2-1 victory and managing his fifth goal for the club this season. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

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