Korean sport governing body issues apology for Kwon Soon-woo’s ‘ungentlemanlike’ behavior

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Korean sport governing body issues apology for Kwon Soon-woo’s ‘ungentlemanlike’ behavior

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Korean tennis player Kwon Soon-woo smashes his racket on the floor after losing to Samrej Kasidit of Thailand in the second round of the men's singles tournament at the Asian Games on Monday. [JOONGANG ILBO]

Korean tennis player Kwon Soon-woo smashes his racket on the floor after losing to Samrej Kasidit of Thailand in the second round of the men's singles tournament at the Asian Games on Monday. [JOONGANG ILBO]

The Korean Sports & Olympic Committee (KSOC) issued an official apology Tuesday for tennis player Kwon Soon-woo’s unsportsmanlike conduct a day earlier.  
Kwon went into a rage and smashed his racket on the ground when he lost to Samrej Kasidit of Thailand in the second round of the men's singles tournament at the Asian Games on Monday. He also refused to shake Kasidit’s hand after the match, sparking controversy both at home and abroad for his behavior.  

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Hong Kong's South China Morning Post lambasted Kwon in an article criticizing his disrespectful behavior, with reporters and fans in Korea also turning on the country's No. 1. Kwon's girlfriend, former Wonder Girls member Yubin, didn't escape the backlash, with some fans taking to social media to suggest she leaves him because of his "violent behavior."
“We will take an appropriate action on the matter after a comprehensive review following the end of the tournament,” KSOC said in a statement Tuesday. “We once again deeply apologize to our people who were disappointed by this incident.”  
Kwon also released a handwritten statement himself on the same day, saying that he wants to apologize to everyone, including Kasidit.  
“I am deeply reflecting on the behavior I exhibited after the match,” Kwon said. “As a national team member that represents Korea, I will think about what it means to put the Taeguk logo on and be careful with every behavior, so I can be a responsible player.
“I once again apologize to everyone who loves sports.” 

BY PAIK JI-HWAN [paik.jihwan@joongang.co.kr]
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