Lee Yong-mun takes silver in Korea's first wushu medal finish

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Lee Yong-mun takes silver in Korea's first wushu medal finish

Korea's Lee Yong-mun performs in the wushu men's nanquan competition at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China on Tuesday. [AP/YONHAP]

Korea's Lee Yong-mun performs in the wushu men's nanquan competition at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China on Tuesday. [AP/YONHAP]

Korea’s Lee Yong-mun took silver in the men’s nanquan/nangun all-around contest at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China on Tuesday.
He came behind Indonesia’s Harris Horatius but ahead of Macau’s Huang Junhua. Lee scored 9.736 points in nanquan, earning him a second-place rank among the 20 athletes heading into the nangun round. He scored 9.736 points in nangun, placing third in the round but earning an overall second-place finish.

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Two Korean athletes competed in the event. Yun Dong-hae, 25, placed eighth in both nanquan and nangun, scoring 9.703 and 9.706 points respectively.
Nanquan is a martial art featuring various hand techniques while athletes in nangun use a long staff. The events are scored together at the Asiad, and the athlete with the highest total number of points between the two disciplines wins.
Lee, 28, took bronze in the all-around five years ago at the 18th Games in Jakarta, Indonesia. Korea won a total of three medals — one silver and two bronze — in wushu in 2018.
His win on Tuesday marked Korea’s first medal in wushu at this year’s Asiad, pushing the national team’s total medal count to 37 as of press time.

BY MARY YANG [mary.yang@joongang.co.kr]
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