Seoul to implement alert system to manage Halloween crowds

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Seoul to implement alert system to manage Halloween crowds

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Software detects the number of people shown through CCTVs in Songpa District, southern Seoul. The Seoul city government will implement such a system starting this Halloween, immediately informing authorities of overcrowded regions. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

Software detects the number of people shown through CCTVs in Songpa District, southern Seoul. The Seoul city government will implement such a system starting this Halloween, immediately informing authorities of overcrowded regions. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

The Seoul Metropolitan Government is gearing up for the upcoming Halloween by implementing a system to alert overcrowded areas to authorities.
The city government’s safety plans come as the capital is on alert to prevent accidents resembling the deadly Halloween crowd crush that killed 159 people last year.
The city government said Thursday that it will implement a system to automatically count the number of people shown on surveillance cameras and notify authorities if the population density in certain areas is too high. The system will be used to control the overcrowding level starting this Halloween.
The software connected to the CCTVs will notify emergency rooms in each district office, the city government, the fire department and the police if it detects overcrowded places.
The city government plans to install 909 surveillance cameras in the capital by this year, focusing on 71 areas in the city that are considered heavily populated.
To enhance responsiveness to urgent accidents, the city government increased the number of personnel dispatched to its emergency situation room from 11 to 20.
The metropolitan government established a “mirroring system” that allows the city government to access live footage and situations promptly shared by 119 emergency respondents.
It also established a disaster situation room to oversee urgent incidents overnight in 25 district offices.
According to the city government, a total of 2,611 cases of illegal construction were reported in 75 populated places, such as Sinchon and Hongdae in western Seoul, during a special inspection conducted from November last year to May. 
The inspection was initiated because illegal construction by the Hamilton Hotel in Itaewon was blamed for contributing to the crowd crush tragedy.
More than 1,700 cases have been voluntarily corrected; the rest are expected to be penalized.
An electronic display panel in Seocho District, southern Seoul, shows the overcrowding level in the area. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

An electronic display panel in Seocho District, southern Seoul, shows the overcrowding level in the area. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

The metropolitan government pledged this year’s Halloween will be safe as it will conduct multiple joint inspections with district offices and related institutes.
The city government said that joint inspections and simulations will be conducted before the events during the Halloween weekend, expected to begin on Oct. 27.
It designated 14 places in Seoul that are expected to have large crowds during the Halloween weekend: Itaewon and Ikseon-dong in central Seoul; Seongsu-dong, streets near Wangsimni Station and Konkuk University Station in eastern Seoul; Sinchon, Hongdae, Balsan Station and Mullae-dong in western Seoul; Sharosu-gil, Sillim Station, Gangnam Station, Nonhyeon Station and Apgujeong Rodeo Street in southern Seoul.
According to the metropolitan government, safety personnel will be dispatched to these areas. Subways nearby will also be operated flexibly if needed, and emergency medical support will be found at the site.
Next Tuesday, the city government will discuss and check upon specific safety measures with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency and the Seoul Metropolitan Fire and Disaster Headquarters.
Authorities will focus on inspecting six areas concerned with large crowds from Oct. 23, including Itaewon and Gangnam Station. Roads near these areas will only allow one-way traffic during the Halloween weekend.
The city government will also ensure that the newly implemented surveillance camera system operates well during a joint simulation with police, fire authorities and Gwanjin District Office near Konkuk University Station in eastern Seoul on Oct. 25.

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