Borussia Dortmund legend Kevin Grosskreutz to attend Puma event in Seoul

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Borussia Dortmund legend Kevin Grosskreutz to attend Puma event in Seoul

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Bundesliga team Borussia Dortmund legend Kevin Grosskreutz will visit Korea for a fan meeting at Capo Football Store in central Seoul on Saturday as part of Puma’s Dortmund jersey exhibition.  
Puma has been Dortmund’s official sponsor for 11 years and it will hold a “BVB special exhibition” at Capo Football Store through which attendees can see Dortmund’s jerseys by season and player-autographed uniforms.  
The exhibition will run from Saturday through Oct. 29 and fans can even see a DFB-Pokal Cup trophy and the club’s mascot Emma on Saturday. One-day limited edition shirts made for Grosskreutz’s visit will be available to purchase only on Saturday as well.  
Grosskreutz played for the German club from 2009 through 2015, during which he won the Bundesliga twice and the DFB-Pokal Cup once.  
The German international played as both a fullback and winger and even won the 2014 World Cup.
Dortmund is not only a prominent club in Europe for having won multiple titles, including the UEFA Champions League in 1997, but it is famous in Korea for having had a few Korean players such as Lee Young-pyo, Ji Dong-won and Park Joo-ho in the past.
Lee attended a Bundesliga fan event held at Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul in 2019 organized by Puma.

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