STAYC's agency admits mistake after girl group wears wrong Rangers jerseys in Texas

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STAYC's agency admits mistake after girl group wears wrong Rangers jerseys in Texas

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STAYC was seen wearing the wrong "Rangers" uniform during the girl group's concert held in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday as part of its world tour.[JUN.DY]

STAYC was seen wearing the wrong "Rangers" uniform during the girl group's concert held in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday as part of its world tour.[JUN.DY]

STAYC was seen wearing the wrong "Rangers" uniform during the girl group's concert held in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday as part of its world tour.
Instead of wearing jerseys for the Texas Rangers baseball team — a Major League Baseball team — the group's members wore uniforms of Rangers Football Club, a Scottish professional soccer club based in Glasgow, Scotland, during the performance, leaving fans to wonder whether the agency didn't know they are two different teams.
"We had a bit of a mix-up as we were purchasing the uniforms," STAYC's agency, Highup Entertainment told the Korea JoongAng Daily on Wednesday, admitting there was a mistake.
"We will be more cautious in the future," the agency added.  
However, it wasn't all bad news for the girl group, as Scottish fans of STAYC and fans of the Rangers Football Club were seen welcoming the 'mix-up' online.  
Girl group STAYC [NEWS1]

Girl group STAYC [NEWS1]

STAYC recently dropped its third EP "Teenfresh" on Aug. 16. Following the release of 'Teenfresh," the girl group is currently on its first world tour of the same name, which kicked off with a two-day performance at the Olympic Hall in southern Seoul's Songpa District on Sept. 23 and 24.
The girl group performed in New York, Chicago, San Antonio, Dallas and Seattle and will continue the tour in San Francisco and Los Angeles on Thursday and Sunday. STAYC will also perform in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore next year.
To find out more about STAYC, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

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