Man who stabbed DP chief says he acted alone

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Man who stabbed DP chief says he acted alone

Man who attacked DP chief Lee Jae-myung answers questions while being escorted by police to the prosecutors' office in Busan on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Man who attacked DP chief Lee Jae-myung answers questions while being escorted by police to the prosecutors' office in Busan on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

The 67-year-old assailant who attacked DP chief Lee Jae-myung a week ago said he acted alone.
“With whom would I have planned?” the attacker, identified only as Kim, said while being escorted by the police to Busan District Prosecutors’ Office on Wednesday.

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Kim admitted to planning the attack and said he wrote an 8-page statement before carrying out the assault.
“I am very sorry,” said Kim, apologizing to the public for the concern he caused.
The attacker said the only thing he asked from a man arrested earlier as an accomplice was to mail his statements.
Local media reported that the mail was addressed to major media outlets and his family.
Initially assumed to be an accomplice, the would-be mailer was released on Tuesday.
While Kim was promptly taken into custody after stabbing the DP leader during his visit to Gadeok Island on Jan. 2, the court issued an arrest warrant two days after the attack.
A police committee that reviewed whether to disclose the identity of the assailant decided not to do so on Tuesday. 
The police did not provide a reason for this decision. However, the New York Times disclosed the man's full name in a Dec. 3 article.

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