Former Samsung, Hyundai presidents join opposing political parties

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Former Samsung, Hyundai presidents join opposing political parties

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Han Dong-hoon, right, interim leader of the main People Power Party, takes a selfie with Koh Dong-jin, former CEO of Samsung Electronics' smartphone business, at a recruitment ceremony on Monday. [NEWS1]

Han Dong-hoon, right, interim leader of the main People Power Party, takes a selfie with Koh Dong-jin, former CEO of Samsung Electronics' smartphone business, at a recruitment ceremony on Monday. [NEWS1]

Former Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor executives were scouted to join Korea’s two major political parties ahead of the general elections scheduled for April 10.  
The ruling People Power Party (PPP) on Monday announced the recruitment of Koh Dong-jin, who previously served as the president of Samsung Electronics.  

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Born in 1961, Koh entered Samsung Electronics in 1984 and supervised the mobile division of the electronics company. He is currently an advisor to the company after serving as the CEO of Samsung's smartphone business from March 2018 to Feb. 2022.  
Koh is known for his instrumental role in the development of the Galaxy smartphone series.  
Koh is a "symbol of Korea's IT development for the past 40 years, and the protagonist behind the display of Galaxy advertisements on [the billboard of] New York's Times Square," said Han Dong-hoon, interim leader of the PPP, at a ceremony Monday morning. 
The party aims to capitalize on his technological expertise to bolster the economy and is expected to field him in Suwon, Gyeonggi, where Samsung's production plant is situated. 
Democratic Party chief Lee Jae-myung, left, shakes hands with Kong Young-woon, former president of Hyundai Motor after announcing his join to the conservative party Monday morning. [NEWS1]

Democratic Party chief Lee Jae-myung, left, shakes hands with Kong Young-woon, former president of Hyundai Motor after announcing his join to the conservative party Monday morning. [NEWS1]

On Monday, the Democratic Party also declared that former Hyundai Motor President Kong Young-woon has joined the liberal party.  

Born in 1964, Kong studied business at Seoul National University and worked as a journalist at Korean newspaper Munhwa Ilbo. He then moved to Hyundai Motor in 2005, served as vice president of its public relations division, and was promoted to president in 2018, overseeing its strategy and planning. He retired in 2022 and has been serving as an advisor to Hyundai.   
"Kong played a key role in making Hyundai one of the global top three automakers," DP chief Lee Jae-myung said during a ceremony Monday morning. "We anticipate Kong will play a large role in production and policies for corporates."  
The recruitment of business leaders by political parties has intensified recently as an agenda for the general election has been set to focus on economic growth and job creation.  

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