[단독 인터뷰] 美 조지아 주지사 “나는 IRA 법안의 열렬한 반대자, 연방정부에 반대 입장 지속 어필”
Published: 05 Feb. 2024, 09:48
Updated: 05 Feb. 2024, 10:02
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![연설 중인 브라이언 캠프 조지아주 주지사 [AP/연합]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2024/02/05/42360ebc-29dd-45ae-9f00-ddbea3caa419.jpg)
연설 중인 브라이언 캠프 조지아주 주지사 [AP/연합]
한국의 대표 영어신문, 코리아중앙데일리가 특종과 단독 인터뷰를 한글로 요약해 드립니다. 독자들의 많은 성원 바랍니다.
미국 조지아주 브라이언 캠프 주지사는 미 인플레이션 감축법(IRA)은 한국 기업들에게 큰 타격을 주는 법안이며 외국 기업들에게 불공평한 장벽을 만들어 미국으로의 진출과 정부의 인센티브 등을 막는 법안이라고 지적했다.
자신을 “IRA의 열렬한 반대자”로 밝힌 캠프 주지사는 코리아중앙데일리와의 단독 서면 인터뷰에서 “IRA는 조지아주의 대형 투자자들뿐만 아니라 제품 부족과 물가 인상으로 인해 열심히 일하는 조지아주 주민들에게도 해를 끼치는 법안”이라고 강조했다.
미국 에너지 부는 최근 IRA에 따른 최대 7500달러의 세액공제(보조금) 혜택을 받는 전기차 차종 19종의 리스트를 공개했다. 적용 대상 차종은 테슬라, 제네럴모터스, 포드를 포함해 전부 미국 완성차 브랜드이며 현대차ㆍ기아의 모든 전기차는 리스트에서 빠졌다.
현대차ㆍ기아는 현재 건설 중인 조지아 전기차 공장이 완공되는 2025년까지는 보조금을 받을 수 없을 것으로 보인다. 현대차ㆍ기아는 현재 북미 어디에도 전기차 전용 공장이 없다.
현대차그룹은 약 55억 달러를 투자해 조지아주 브라이언 카운티에 전기차 공장을 건설 중이다. 조지아 주 역사상 가장 큰 규모의 제조 시설 투자 유치다.
2022년 8월 발효된 IRA 법안은 북미 내에서 최종 조립 및 생산된 차량에 한 해 최대 7500 달러의 세액 공제 혜택을 제공한다. 올해부터 법안이 강화돼 중국을 포함한 ‘외국 우려 기업 (FEOC)’에서 배터리 부품과 핵심 광물을 조달한 전기차는 아예 혜택에서 제외되었다.
미국 조지아주는 북미 지역의 대표적인 한국 제조 기업의 생산 거점으로 단일 국가로는 한국이 최대 투자국이다. 한국 기업들의 지난 10년 동안 투자 규모는 230억 달러를 넘어섰다. 아래는 인터뷰 요약 중 일부다.
Q. IRA가 현대차ㆍ기아를 포함한 여러 글로벌 완성차 업체들에게 엄청난 영향을 끼치고 있다. 미 연방정부에 어떤 어필을 하고 있나.
A. 조 바이든 대통령과 그 정부에게 계속적으로 법안 수정을 요청하고 있다.
조지아주는 한국 완성차, 배터리 등 기업들로부터 수백억 달러를 유치했다. 비결이 뭐라고 생각하나. 특별한 제도나 제공하는 서비스가 있나.
한국 기업의 첫 번째 조지아주 투자는 1996년 SKC였다. SK그룹이 2019년, 또다시 첫 번째 전기차 배터리 공장의 위치로 조지아주를 선택한 것은 조지아는 투자를 집행할 때 뿐만 아니라 장기적인 관점에서 항상 한국과 함께 한다는 사실에 대한 방증일 것이다.
조지아주는 미국에서 비즈니스를 하기에 가장 좋은 주다. 일자리 환경 개선을 위한 노력, 낮은 생활비, 일관된 성장을 가능하게 하는 환경 등은 새로운 공장을 세우려는 미국과 해외 기업들에게 최적의 선택이다.
현대차가 미국의 최초 전기차 공장으로 조지아주를 선택했다.
조지아주는 40년 전 한국투자사무소를 열었을 당시부터 현대차와 같은 큰 프로젝트를 위한 기초를 다져왔다. 그 이후로 조지아 경제 개발부와 관련 직원들은 한국 기업들과 지속적으로 좋은 관계를 유지하고 있다. 그렇게 이어진 인연으로 기아차는 2009년 미국 첫 제조 공장을 조지아주에 세웠고, 이것이 조지아주와 현대차그룹의 인연의 시작이었다.
조지아주는 기업들이 우리를 선택한 이후에도 그들과의 파트너십을 장기적으로 이어가고 지원한다는 점에서 특별하다고 할 수 있다. 현대차그룹은 기아차의 투자 당시 그런 우리의 헌신을 이미 알았다.
미국은 지금 심각한 인력 부족 현상을 겪고 있다. 조지아주에는 공장 건설 지연 등과 같은 영향은 없나.
인력 부족은 전 세계적인 문제지만 조지아는 이 문제를 가장 우선 과제로 생각하며 이미 오래 전부터 대응해왔다. 조지아주는 기업들의 신규 채용을 지원하면서, 동시에 주에 새로 생기는 고임 업종에 취업할 수 있도록 노동자 교육을 지속하고 있어 이 문제에 관해선 매우 유리한 위치에 있다.
한국 기업들로부터 유치한 투자들이 조지아와 조지아 주민들의 삶에 영향을 끼쳤나. 주민들의 반응은 어떤가.
조지아 주민들은 SKC, 기아, 현대차를 포함한 그 외 모든 한국 기업들의 투자를 기대하고 있다. 이러한 역사적인 프로젝트들을 통해 조지아주 경제는 전체적으로 성장하고 있고 조지아를 농업, 자동차 제조업, 그리고 기술의 미래의 허브로 만드는데 일조하고 있다.
지역 인사들과 기업 직원들은 구성원들이 새로운 이웃들을 잘 맞이할 수 있도록 친밀감을 높이고 한국의 역사들에 대해 알아가기 위한 세미나를 열고 있다. 주 차원에서 그리고 지역적, 국제적으로 협업한다면, 전동화로의 전환을 가능한 한 최대한 빨리 앞당길 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
![정의선(왼쪽) 현대자동차그룹 회장이 2022년 10월 25일(현지시간) 미 조지아주 브라이언 카운티의 엘라벨에서 열린 현대전기차 메타플랜트 기공식에 참석해 브라이언 캠프(가운데) 조지아 주지사, 호세 무뇨스 글로벌 최고운영책임자(COO)와 함께 건배하고 있다. [현대자동차그룹]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2024/02/05/23362336-dff0-4643-a54a-1069e440c58d.jpg)
정의선(왼쪽) 현대자동차그룹 회장이 2022년 10월 25일(현지시간) 미 조지아주 브라이언 카운티의 엘라벨에서 열린 현대전기차 메타플랜트 기공식에 참석해 브라이언 캠프(가운데) 조지아 주지사, 호세 무뇨스 글로벌 최고운영책임자(COO)와 함께 건배하고 있다. [현대자동차그룹]
![브라이언 캠프 조지아주 주지사(오른쪽에서 두번째)를 포함한 조지아주 정부와 기아차 관계자들이 2023년 1월 31일 (현지시간) 조지아주의 ‘기아의 날’ 선포 행사에서 주청사 앞에 전시된 전기차 EV6 앞에서 기념촬영을 하고 있다. [연합]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2024/02/05/4611a476-b5a3-4b66-894f-5f69e8040449.jpg)
브라이언 캠프 조지아주 주지사(오른쪽에서 두번째)를 포함한 조지아주 정부와 기아차 관계자들이 2023년 1월 31일 (현지시간) 조지아주의 ‘기아의 날’ 선포 행사에서 주청사 앞에 전시된 전기차 EV6 앞에서 기념촬영을 하고 있다. [연합]
조지아주는 140개가 넘는 한국 기업들이 진출해 있는 곳이다. 기아차는 2009년 웨스트포인트 시에 자동차 제조업 공장을 세웠고 이에 따른 관련 부품 업체들이 그 근방에 공장을 세웠다. SK온은 26억 달러를 투자해 조지아주 커머스 시에 두개의 배터리 공장을 가동 중이고 한화솔루션은 바토우 시에 태양광 생산 공장을 위해 25억 달러 투자를 발표했다.
따뜻한 기후와 높은 일조량을 자랑하는 미국 남부의 선벨트지역은 국내 배터리 기업들의 제조 공장 위치로 선호되는 지역이다. 조지아주의 하츠필드 잭슨 애틀랜타 공항은 세계에서 가장 분주한 공항으로 유명하며, 조지아주는 지리적으로 미국 그 어느 주를 비행기로 4시간 이내에 이동할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 최대 항구인 사바나 항구는 파나마 운하를 지나는 선박들의 가장 첫 도착지이다.
조지아주는 법인세도 기존의 6%에서 지난 2019년 5.75%로 인하했고, 조지아주에서 만든 제품을 다른 주나 해외로 보낼 경우 세금도 면제해준다. 조지아의 최저임금은 시간당 7.25달러로, 캘리포니아와 워싱턴DC의 약 절반 정도다.
약 1100만 인구가 살고있는 조지아는 선벨트 지역에서 플로리다 다음으로 인구가 많은 주다. 그러나 노동자들의 평균 나이는 36세로 플로리다 대비 비교적 젊은 인력들이 많다.
선벨트 주들은 피고용인에 대한 노조 가입이나 조합비 납부를 강제할 수 없도록 하는 노동법을 채택하고 있다. 2021년 기준 조지아의 노조 가입률은 4.8%로 미국 전체 노조 가입률(10.3%)과 비교해 현저히 낮다.
영어 원문
"I've been a vocal opponent of the IRA," the Republican governor said in the email interview earlier this month
The U.S. Energy Department recently released a list of 19 electric vehicles (EVs) eligible for a $7,500 federal tax credit, knocking off the list of cars made by foreign automakers like Hyundai Motor, Kia, Toyota and Mercedes-Benz. All the models that benefit are made by U.S. carmakers such as Tesla, General Motors, and Ford.
"It harms not only Georgia's largest investors but also hardworking Georgians by imposing higher costs on consumers, exacerbating shortages and worsening inflation."
The IRA, which includes a maximum $7,500 subsidy for EVs assembled in North America, has been worrying Korean automakers whose combined share of the U.S. EV market is now the second largest.
Hyundai Motor and Kia vehicles are not eligible for the entire subsidy — at least, not until 2025 — as they don't have an EV plant in the United States for now.
Hyundai Motor Group announced a $5.54 billion investment to build an EV-dedicated factory in Bryan County, Georgia, last year.
It was the largest manufacturing project that the state had ever won.
Having set up a trade office four decades ago, Korean companies are now the state's largest investors, with about $23 billion in projects committed over the past ten years.
The following are edited excerpts of the interview with Kemp on his relationship with Korean companies and his view on the IRA.
The IRA has a huge impact on global automakers, including Hyundai and Kia. What is your position on the bill, and what moves have you made so far to express your views to the White House?
I have been a vocal opponent of the IRA. I'm aware that the new law includes provisions that harm not only Georgia's largest investors but also hardworking Georgians by imposing higher costs on consumers, exacerbating shortages and worsening inflation. I have called on Joe Biden and his administration to change the law.
Georgia has won billions of dollars in investments from Korean companies, especially auto and battery makers. What do you think is the biggest reason behind it? Do you have any special structure or civil services that made these investments possible?
SKC made its first major investment in Georgia in 1996. The fact that SK Group picked Georgia for its first U.S. EV battery plant is a testament to the fact that Georgia is with Korea not only when it is investing but also for the long haul.
Georgia has remained the number one state in the U.S. to do business. The state's commitment to investing in workforce development, keeping an eye on the future and maintaining a low cost of living and environment where businesses can experience consistent growth has positioned the Peach State well when meeting with domestic and international companies looking for a new or second home to build their operations.
A long history of working with the automotive industry informs decision-making at multiple levels, and the state has committed to long-term relationships with international communities that create trust among partners.
Georgia has remained the number one state in the U.S. to do business. The state's commitment to investing in workforce development, keeping an eye on the future and maintaining a low cost of living and environment where businesses can experience consistent growth has positioned the Peach State well when meeting with domestic and international companies looking for a new or second home to build their operations.
A long history of working with the automotive industry informs decision-making at multiple levels, and the state has committed to long-term relationships with international communities that create trust among partners.
Georgia is now home to more than 140 Korean companies. Kia constructed its manufacturing plant in West Point in 2009, with partnered suppliers to build facilities nearby over the past decade. SK On, a wholly owned subsidiary of SK Innovation, is operating two $2.6 billion battery plants in the City of Commerce. Hanwha Solutions recently announced a $2.5 billion solar investment in the state, the biggest solar investment in the United States ever.
Hyundai Motor chose Georgia for its first EV-dedicated factory. We'd like to hear more stories about how that has happened.
Georgia laid the foundation for projects like Hyundai nearly 40 years ago when it opened the State of Georgia-Korea Office. The Department of Economic Development and its representatives have been building relationships with Korean companies ever since.
Those connections led to Georgia becoming the home of the first-ever Kia car manufacturing plant in the United States in 2009, kick-starting Georgia's relationship with Hyundai Motor Group. Well over a decade later, the relationship has only grown as the state continues to invest in Georgia's workforce and infrastructure, creating opportunities for business that translates to Georgians benefiting in every corner of the state.
Georgia is unique because the state commits to long-term partnerships and continues to support companies after they choose Georgia. Hyundai Motor Group saw that dedication firsthand through Kia, and state and local leaders knew that Hyundai would be a great partner for the people of Georgia. That shared commitment was made clear when the former Korean Ambassador to the U.S. Cho Tae-yong, Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung and North America President Josè Muñoz joined me and local leaders for the new factory's groundbreaking last October.
Those connections led to Georgia becoming the home of the first-ever Kia car manufacturing plant in the United States in 2009, kick-starting Georgia's relationship with Hyundai Motor Group. Well over a decade later, the relationship has only grown as the state continues to invest in Georgia's workforce and infrastructure, creating opportunities for business that translates to Georgians benefiting in every corner of the state.
Georgia is unique because the state commits to long-term partnerships and continues to support companies after they choose Georgia. Hyundai Motor Group saw that dedication firsthand through Kia, and state and local leaders knew that Hyundai would be a great partner for the people of Georgia. That shared commitment was made clear when the former Korean Ambassador to the U.S. Cho Tae-yong, Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung and North America President Josè Muñoz joined me and local leaders for the new factory's groundbreaking last October.
With a warm and sunny climate, the southern part of the United States, known as the Sun Belt, has been the most popular choice for Korean battery makers for their manufacturing factories due to geographical and economic reasons. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the busiest airport in the world as of 2022. Due to its geographical benefits, it takes around four hours from Georgia to any U.S. state by flight. The port city of Savannah is the first stop for ships and vessels that pass through Panama.
Georgia also lowered its corporate tax rate to 5.75 percent in 2019, which stayed at 6 percent for over three decades. The state also exempts taxes for companies who try to export products manufactured in Georgia to other states and overseas.
The U.S. is currently experiencing a major labor shortage issue. How does this affect Georgia, and what is your solution? Are there going to be any delays in the construction of new factories being built in Georgia?
Labor shortages are a global issue, but Georgia is already working to confront these issues, with workforce development being a top priority. Georgia is well-positioned to navigate this growing national challenge through a balanced approach of recruitment and investment in training workers for the well-paying jobs currently being created in the state.
Georgia has a history of working alongside our businesses through state agencies, local governments and our education systems to identify top employer needs so a trained workforce is ready to fill jobs locally.
Recently, SK Battery America announced it has not only met its hiring goals ahead of schedule at its Commerce, Georgia, facility but is also raising its hiring plans to 3,000 employees. Company officials cited our top-ranked workforce training program, Georgia Quick Start, as a factor in this success. Through this news and Quick Start's proven benefits related to Kia Georgia's production totals, these examples help demonstrate how Georgia partners with our companies to help them achieve their goals for the long term.
Georgia is also a high-migration state with an excellent quality of life and low cost of living that help recruit qualified labor.
Georgia has a history of working alongside our businesses through state agencies, local governments and our education systems to identify top employer needs so a trained workforce is ready to fill jobs locally.
Recently, SK Battery America announced it has not only met its hiring goals ahead of schedule at its Commerce, Georgia, facility but is also raising its hiring plans to 3,000 employees. Company officials cited our top-ranked workforce training program, Georgia Quick Start, as a factor in this success. Through this news and Quick Start's proven benefits related to Kia Georgia's production totals, these examples help demonstrate how Georgia partners with our companies to help them achieve their goals for the long term.
Georgia is also a high-migration state with an excellent quality of life and low cost of living that help recruit qualified labor.
The labor force participation rate stood at 62.5 percent in the United States in Feb. 2023, compared to 63.4 percent in Feb. 2020, according to a recent report published by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Around 2.46 million workers are missing from the labor force compared to three years ago.
What are your latest policies to combat the labor shortage?
The current budget also includes several funding proposals to address the global issue, such as $1.9 billion devoted to fully funding public schools based on a pre-determined formula to maximize impact.
Another is raising teacher pay by $2,000, which would lead to a total teacher pay raise of $7,000 over five years, and some $25 million in learning loss grants to help students recover from instructional time lost during the pandemic.
Another $52 million will be devoted to establishing the Rural Workforce Housing Fund to support upcoming economic development projects and ensure our workforce can access quality work and affordable housing opportunities.
Another is raising teacher pay by $2,000, which would lead to a total teacher pay raise of $7,000 over five years, and some $25 million in learning loss grants to help students recover from instructional time lost during the pandemic.
Another $52 million will be devoted to establishing the Rural Workforce Housing Fund to support upcoming economic development projects and ensure our workforce can access quality work and affordable housing opportunities.
Georgia is rich in the workforce, with 11 million of the population, the second most populated after Florida in the Sun Belt region. But compared to Florida, Georgia has many young workers with an average age of 36.
States in the Sun Belt usually have lower minimum salaries and taxes. Georgia's state minimum wage rate is also $7.25 per hour, around half of California's and Washington D.C.'s.
Many states in the region also have a right-to-work law that gives workers the freedom to choose whether or not to join a labor union in the workplace. Only 4.8 percent of workers in Georgia are members of a union as of 2021, compared to 10.3 percent of workers nationally. Georgia is also home to many prestigious universities, including the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University.
How have Korea's investments changed the state and the lives of people living in Georgia? What are the Georgians' sentiments toward the companies building factories in Georgia?
From SKC to Kia to Hyundai and beyond, Georgians are excited about the investments being made throughout our state. Through historic projects like these, the Peach State's economy is undergoing a statewide expansion that makes us a hub for agriculture and a beacon for manufacturing the vehicles and technology of tomorrow.
Building future industries takes teamwork, and Georgia is grateful for the communities that welcome these opportunities across the state. Many Georgia communities are already familiar with the benefits these projects bring with them. These stories are reaching the Georgians who live in areas with new projects on the way.
Another level of excitement and appreciation is evident through seminars in the region where the new Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America will be located. Community leaders and company employees began hosting a series of seminars in January to help community members prepare for their new neighbors by increasing their familiarity with the culture and history of Korea and preparing to accommodate new and growing needs in terms of local school systems and other areas of local life.
By collaborating at local, state and international levels, we can make the transition to electric mobility and the jobs it will bring as seamless as possible.
Building future industries takes teamwork, and Georgia is grateful for the communities that welcome these opportunities across the state. Many Georgia communities are already familiar with the benefits these projects bring with them. These stories are reaching the Georgians who live in areas with new projects on the way.
Another level of excitement and appreciation is evident through seminars in the region where the new Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America will be located. Community leaders and company employees began hosting a series of seminars in January to help community members prepare for their new neighbors by increasing their familiarity with the culture and history of Korea and preparing to accommodate new and growing needs in terms of local school systems and other areas of local life.
By collaborating at local, state and international levels, we can make the transition to electric mobility and the jobs it will bring as seamless as possible.
BY SARAH CHEA [[email protected]]
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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