Rookie boy band 82Major to release album on April 29

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Rookie boy band 82Major to release album on April 29

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Rookie boy band 82Major [GREAT M ENTERTAINMENT]

Rookie boy band 82Major [GREAT M ENTERTAINMENT]

Rookie boy band 82Major will release an album on April 29, the band’s agency Great M Entertainment said Thursday.
The new album is the band’s first in six months since its debut single, “ON,” dropped in October last year.  
82Major debuted as a six-member band under Great M Entertainment. The company was founded by Kim Young-sun, one of the founders of FNC Entertainment, who took part in producing groups like FTIsland, CNBlue, AOA, N.Flying, SF9 and Cherry Bullet.  
The members are Yoon Yae-chan, Park Seok-jun, Kim Do-gyun, Cho Sung-il, Nam Sung-mo and Hwang Sung-bin.
The band held its first concert, “82 People,” in January.
To find out more about 82Major, visit Celeb Confirmed!

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