Forestella, La Poem and Libelante top Favorite's weekly chart

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Forestella, La Poem and Libelante top Favorite's weekly chart

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Forestella was voted the winner of Favorite's Weekly Favorite poll for the second week of May. [NHN BUGS]

Forestella was voted the winner of Favorite's Weekly Favorite poll for the second week of May. [NHN BUGS]

Three vocal groups — Forestella, La Poem and Libelante — topped Favorite’s weekly chart for the second week of May.
Favorite is a K-pop fan poll codeveloped by the digital streaming service Bugs and the JoongAng Ilbo, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily.
Weekly chart rankings are calculated through a combination of fan votes and an artist’s number of streams on Bugs.
Forestella topped the Weekly Favorite chart, receiving a score of 29.2 percent, accounting for 1,332,942 votes and 0.6 percent of Bugs’ streaming data.
La Poem followed in second place with 26.5 percent, consisting of 1,225,960 votes and 0.1 percent of Bugs’ streaming data.  
Forestella will be awarded a celebratory in-app banner visible on the Bugs phone app from Friday to Sunday, while La Poem’s celebratory banner will be featured in the chart categories of the app.  
Libelante landed in third place with 16.8 percent, accounting for 776,919 votes and 0.1 percent of Bugs’ streaming score.  
ZeroBaseOne's Sung Han-bin was voted the winner of Favorite's May birthday poll. [NHN BUGS]

ZeroBaseOne's Sung Han-bin was voted the winner of Favorite's May birthday poll. [NHN BUGS]

ZeroBaseOne’s Sung Han-bin was voted number one on Favorite’s June Birthday poll. Sung received a total of 1,138,933 votes, resulting in a 54.4 percent score, while trot singer Lim Young-woong landed in second place with 931,414 votes.
Sung's celebratory birthday advertisement will be placed on the 9004 bus that connects Seongnam, Gyeonggi, to Gangnam District, southern Seoul, from June 1 to 31.
Lim’s celebratory advertisement will appear on Parnas Media Tower from June 1 to 28. Parnas Media Tower is located near COEX Mall in Gangnam District, southern Seoul.

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