Samsung SDI holds IP Fair to highlight patent protection

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Samsung SDI holds IP Fair to highlight patent protection

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Samsung SDI CEO Choi Yoon-ho speaks during the Intellectual Property Fair held at its headquarters in Giheung, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday. [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI CEO Choi Yoon-ho speaks during the Intellectual Property Fair held at its headquarters in Giheung, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday. [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI held its Intellectual Property (IP) Fair for the first time to inform its employees of the importance of the protection of patents and trade secrets in the highly competitive battery industry. 
The fair, which was held at its headquarters in Giheung, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday was attended by 200 employees, including Samsung SDI CEO Choi Yoon-ho. It was streamed live for all employees.

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"Competitiveness in intellectual property is one of the key elements for Samsung SDI’s growth to become a global top-tier company,” said Samsung SDI's CEO Choi. “Securing competitive IP is essential to the company’s 'super gap' technological competitiveness.”
The event also included the presentation of nine awards for securing patents at home and abroad in three categories: four individual awards, four team awards and one main IP award.
The main IP award went to Byun Sang-won from the automotive and energy storage system business for his contributions involving more than 1,000 patent cases, one of which relates to the electrode assembly of battery cells for electric vehicle and energy storage system applications.
The awards have been newly formed this year on top of Samsung SDI's existing annual awards that recognize employees with a high contribution to IP at the company. 
The Korean battery maker currently owns 6,355 battery-related patents in Korea and 14,636 patents abroad as of 2023, according to its regulatory filing. 
Meanwhile, LG Energy Solution, the country's largest battery maker, warned of a war with "patent-free riders," last month, adding that it has identified 580 cases of infringements by competing manufacturers on its patents related to battery materials, manufacturing, battery pack and battery management systems.

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