SNU president vows action after graduates busted for deepfake pornography

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SNU president vows action after graduates busted for deepfake pornography

Seoul National University's campus in Gwanak District, southern Seoul [NEWS1]

Seoul National University's campus in Gwanak District, southern Seoul [NEWS1]

Seoul National University President Ryu Hong-lim vowed to prevent further sex crimes on campus after several graduates were arrested for creating "deepfake" pornography using the images of female students.
"There recently was a distressing incident regarding Seoul National University graduates, and I feel grave responsibility as the head of the school and as an educator," said President Ryu on Thursday.  
"Digital sex crimes, which should never have happened in the first place, have been occurring in our society, and we at Seoul National University feel a greater sense of responsibility as a top educational institution."
Two Seoul National University graduates, a 40-year-old man surnamed Park and a 31-year-old man surnamed Kang, were arrested for creating and distributing fake pornography of female students via Telegram. The two allegedly photoshopped the victims' faces onto sexually explicit photos and created deepfake sexual videos.  
Of the 61 confirmed victims, 12 are either graduates or current students of Seoul National University.  
President Ryu said the university will create a task force to prevent similar crimes and protect victims.  
The university will also create a center that will help sexual assault victims.   
All students at Seoul National University will be able to go to the center to anonymously report sex crimes without having their identity revealed. Victims will also be able to get legal help and psychological support.  
The center will focus not only on digital sex crimes but also on all types of sexual assault.  
The university is also discussing strengthening sexual harassment prevention training programs offered to its students.
Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok also called for a thorough investigation of the suspects.  
"This is a grave sexual crime, as multiple suspects targeted their acquaintances by fabricating and distributing fake photos over an extended period, inflicting harm on the victims and causing shock to our society," said Lee on Friday.  
"The Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office's Women and Children Criminal Investigation Department will thoroughly investigate the case to see if they can make additional charges to obtain a severe sentence."

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