FADU partners with Western Digital to develop SSD technology

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FADU partners with Western Digital to develop SSD technology

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FADU logo [FADU]

FADU logo [FADU]

FADU, a Korean chip designing company that specializes in flash memory, joined forces with the U.S. company Western Digital to co-develop solid state drive (SSD) specification technology that's expected to enhance the device's storage and lifespan. 
The two companies will work on flexible data placement (FDP) for enterprise SSDs. FDP is a type of specification that aims at giving a host server more control on where data is placed within the SSD. Such data allocation significantly reduces write amplification, which is when the originally intended amount of data on a device is multiplied due to several factors. 
Big Tech companies, such as Meta and Microsoft, have been spearheading FDP technology.
"FDP technology will enable the optimization of data allocation in SSD storage space, which is considered a significant feat in storage technology," said Lee Ji-hyo, CEO of FADU, in a press release Monday. 
"Through the partnership with Western Digital, FADU will offer storage solutions that can boost the performance and lifespan of SSDs by realizing top-tier level FDP technology."

BY JIN EUN-SOO [jin.eunsoo@joongang.co.kr]
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