Police charge two Army officials involved in trainee soldier's death

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Police charge two Army officials involved in trainee soldier's death

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Families of current and former trainee soldiers and officials from the Center for Military Human Rights protest in front of the Defense Ministry building in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Families of current and former trainee soldiers and officials from the Center for Military Human Rights protest in front of the Defense Ministry building in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Police on Monday booked two senior officials, a captain and a first lieutenant, involved in the death of a trainee soldier who died on May 25, two days after he collapsed during a disciplinary drill.
An investigation team from Gangwon Provincial Police Agency booked the captain and first lieutenant of the Army’s 12th Division, on charges of occupational negligence resulting in death. It also requested the two to appear for questioning.
This comes 18 days after the incident, and 12 days since police received the case from the Army.
Police have so far investigated military officials, focusing on confirming basic facts and violations of military training regulations, and determining the cause of death by consulting medical staff and closely examining the hospital transfer and treatment processes involving the deceased soldier.

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The investigation also focused on compiling the statements of various officials regarding suspicions about family members and other trainee soldiers in the military, which were being circulated on social media.  
The captain and first lieutenant reportedly made six conscripts do push-ups and run approximately 1.5 kilometers (0.93 miles) while carrying full packs of equipment at midday on May 23 as punishment for causing noise in their dormitory the previous night.
Ordering soldiers in full kit to do push-ups and run or walk over a kilometer as a punitive measure is against Korean Army regulations.
The victim collapsed on May 23 at around 5:20 p.m. during the training drill in Inje, Gangwon, and was pronounced dead two days later after his condition worsened.
Meanwhile, the captain involved in the case has also been booked on further charges, including murder, in addition to the occupational negligence charge.
On May 31, Choi Dae-zip, former head of the Korean Medical Association (KMA), filed a complaint with the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office against the captain for murder, dereliction of duty and cruelty under the Military Criminal Act.
The People's Welfare Countermeasure Committee, a civic organization, also filed a complaint with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency against the captain on charges of murder and causing injury on Wednesday.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]
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