Foreigners enjoy foreign food exhibition at Kintex

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Foreigners enjoy foreign food exhibition at Kintex

Foreign visitors browse booths at the "2024 Seoul International Food Industry Exhibition" at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. [YONHAP]

Foreign visitors browse booths at the "2024 Seoul International Food Industry Exhibition" at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. [YONHAP]

Foreign visitors browse booths at the "2024 Seoul International Food Industry Exhibition" at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province.
Seoul Food, which began in 1983, is the largest of its kind in Korea and is considered one of the top four food exhibitions in Asia, along with the ones in China, Thailand and Japan.
Over 1,600 food companies from 52 countries have participated in the exhibit.

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