Tmax introduces Gaia for those with an app vision but not the skill

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Tmax introduces Gaia for those with an app vision but not the skill

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Tmax Group Chairman Park Dae-yeon speaks to the press at a hotel in Seoul on Thursday. [TMAX GROUP]

Tmax Group Chairman Park Dae-yeon speaks to the press at a hotel in Seoul on Thursday. [TMAX GROUP]

Tmax, a Korean software developer, has introduced a super app named Gaia that supports app building without the ability to code.
"Tmax's idea of IT integration involves the system, data, apps and AI,' said Tmax Group Chairman and CTO Park Dae-yeon in a news conference held in Seoul on Thursday.
"End-to-end integration from system to app will be the first of its kind in the world."
The app, the result of 1.1 trillion won ($800.5 million) in investments over the past 14 years, will be released for business clients in the latter half of the year, followed by a business-to-customer release next year.
It also is vying for a global launch in the latter half of next year, after aggregating references from clients, Park said, adding that it would take the company an estimated one year to recoup its investment after the app's official release.
"We introduced the app to Amazon recently, with whom we will collaborate in the field of cloud service," Park said.

"We are going to push for Nasdaq listing after successfully launching the app in the global market. We maintain the goal of achieving 100 trillion won in revenue by 2030."
Tmax Group, founded in 1997, is a homegrown IT company that specializes in software such as cloud, database and infrastructure architecture.

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