Fishing vessel capsizes near South Jeolla, captain dead and two missing

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Fishing vessel capsizes near South Jeolla, captain dead and two missing

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Coast Guard officials carry out a search and rescue mission in waters near Gageo Island in South Jeolla on Thursday after a fishing vessel capsized at around 3.18 a.m. on the same day. [KOREA COAST GUARD]

Coast Guard officials carry out a search and rescue mission in waters near Gageo Island in South Jeolla on Thursday after a fishing vessel capsized at around 3.18 a.m. on the same day. [KOREA COAST GUARD]

A fishing vessel capsized near Gageo Island in South Jeolla, on Thursday, leaving the Korean captain dead and two others missing.
Of the nine crew members, six were rescued by a nearby fishing ship and the captain was found dead.
The Coast Guard received a report at 3:18 a.m. that the 33-ton fishing vessel had overturned approximately 18 kilometers (11 miles) northeast of Gageo Island.  
The vessel, which was fishing for eel, had three Koreans and six foreign nationals onboard. Two Indonesian crew members are still missing.
The Coast Guard is conducting a search and rescue mission, deploying six patrol vessels and five aircraft.
The Navy is participating in the rescue efforts with four military vessels and one aircraft. Local fishers are also assisting the mission with six fishing ships searching for the missing Indonesians.
The Coast Guard believes the boat capsized after colliding with another ship, based on statements given by survivors.
After checking maritime traffic records from the time of the accident, the Coast Guard located a 9,734-ton container ship from Hong Kong suspected of hitting the capsized vessel.
The Coast Guard stopped the cargo vessel in waters 59.55 kilometers from where the fishing boat flipped.
Authorities found paint marks on the cargo ship that appear to be evidence of collision.
The Coast Guard is currently questioning the crew of the container ship, who reportedly deny knowing of the accident.

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