Why Songdo must host the 2025 APEC Summit

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Why Songdo must host the 2025 APEC Summit

Soleiman Dias
The author, the founder and president of the Songdo Foreign Advisory Board and president of the Brazil-Korea Association, is the director of Alumni and International Relations at Chadwick International School.
Hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2025 requires a city to meet various criteria to ensure the event’s success and the safety and convenience of all participants. The summit will bring together leaders from 21 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, including the United States, China and Japan, to discuss inclusive and sustainable growth strategies.

Songdo’s unique blend of advanced infrastructure, strategic location, smart city technology and commitment to sustainability makes it an exceptional choice to host such an important international event. Its ability to offer a secure environment, state-of-the-art facilities, excellent accommodation and proximity to one of the best airports in the world ensures that it can provide a memorable and productive experience for all participants.

I will start by highlighting the state-of-the-art infrastructure that the city offers. Songdo boasts cutting-edge infrastructure, including modern conference centers, advanced transportation systems and top-notch telecommunications. Its strategic location is also unparalleled to other candidates to host the event. Located in Incheon, South Korea, Songdo is easily accessible from major Asian cities, making it an ideal hub for international events. In addition, the proximity to Incheon International Airport makes Songdo an optimal place for international attendees. Just a short drive from one of the world’s busiest and best-connected airports, Songdo ensures easy access for delegates coming from overseas.

Moreover, Songdo provides the advanced technology needed for such gatherings. As a leading smart city, Songdo utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) technology, providing seamless connectivity and enhancing the overall experience for summit participants. As it was created to be the first Smart City in the country, Songdo has strived to pursue sustainable urban planning since its beginning. Songdo is designed with sustainability in mind, featuring extensive green spaces, eco-friendly buildings and efficient public transportation, aligning with APEC’s sustainability goals.

Another feature that makes Songdo a strong candidate to host any major global event is its ability to offer high-quality options for accommodation. The city has a range of high-end hotels and lodgings that can cater to the needs of high-profile guests and large delegations.

Songdo can also guarantee advanced security measures. With modern surveillance and security systems, Songdo ensures a safe environment for all attendees, which is crucial for international summits. South Korea is known for being one of the safest countries in the world, and Songdo is probably the safest city in the country.

World-class convention facilities are essential for any summit of this magnitude. The Songdo Convensia Convention Center is equipped with spectacular facilities capable of hosting large-scale international events like the APEC summit, and it has already hosted notable events such as the Asian Development Bank’s Annual Meeting, FAO’s Science and Innovation Forum (SIF), New Cities Summit and others. Furthermore, Songdo is able to offer an innovative business environment, which is important for attendees coming from various countries in the Asia Pacific region. Home to numerous multinational corporations and research institutions, Songdo provides a dynamic business environment that can facilitate productive discussions on economic cooperation. Moreover, Songdo has a vast experience of hosting international events. Its proven track record of successfully hosting international conferences and events since 2009-2010 demonstrates its capability to manage high-profile gatherings.

Additionally, one can find various cultural attractions here. Songdo offers a blend of traditional and modern cultural attractions, providing delegates with a pleasant cultural experience beyond summit meetings. On that note, the international educational institutions in town can provide multilingual capabilities. With a large bilingual community, Songdo offers multilingual support services, ensuring effective communication for delegates from different linguistic backgrounds.

In my opinion, having lived here since foreign residents were allowed to move in, I believe that Songdo has a strong economic significance to the country. As Korea’s first Free Economic Zone, Songdo represents the nation’s commercial dynamism, offering a relevant backdrop for discussions on trade and economic policies. Songdo is also known for being a place where technological innovations happen organically through its research centers and universities. The city’s focus on technology and innovation makes it an inspiring venue for discussing future-oriented economic strategies and digital transformation. In that regard, the city’s great public transportation helps support the bidding process for Songdo. An efficient and modern public transportation network ensures easy and convenient movement for summit participants within the city.

On top of all that was previously mentioned, Songdo’s educational institutions are definitely something to be highlighted. Home to a prestigious international school, foreign universities and research centers, Songdo provides a platform for engaging with academic experts and fostering knowledge exchange. Because of its commitment to global collaboration, Songdo’s international outlook and pledge to pursue international cooperation align with APEC’s goals of fostering economic cooperation and integration among member economies.

For all the 17 reasons mentioned above, I truly believe that Songdo meets all the criteria to ensure a successful and memorable summit, reflecting well on both the host city and the participating nations.
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